Recent content by buyyouabeer

  1. buyyouabeer

    Switching time

    Curious as to the current week of flower you are at? That is going to fuck with them. I always run my light period at night; feed them when they wake. I think it cuts down on the humidity and keeps my house cooler.
  2. buyyouabeer

    sativa question

    I think the GT high is very pleasant. You have the euphoric Thai and the narcotic Malawi in a very tasty berry incense liver meat thing. We really like the Malawi combos, I recommend Guawi. My very heavy smoker friend said the first time he tried it he forgot his name LOL. GT makes you cool with...
  3. buyyouabeer

    sativa question

    I have grown both the regular GT and the Thai leaning one; all great. However Mrs. Beer and my favorite strain is straight Malawi; it is devastating and that black box warning applies. Another thing I love about Malawi is how easy it is to trim; mostly just use my fingers to pop off the few...
  4. buyyouabeer

    sativa question

    Looking good, love GT. You didn't say what your light schedule is but I always run my Sativas on 11/13. Helps with the flowering time and in fact Ace recommends it on a lot of their varieties.
  5. buyyouabeer

    Does flowers looks small for day 20?

    Lux is fine for white LED lights. In flower I go between 50k and 60k.
  6. buyyouabeer

    Leaf issues and general question

    Rust spots are a Ca deficiency. Something I never see after going to Jacks 321. I also wouldn't add any more plants to your tent, going to be a jungle as is.
  7. buyyouabeer

    All around Nute mix? Seed to harvest?

    Pretty similar to Jacks 321 except the part A is 5-12-26. Very simple method.
  8. buyyouabeer

    Unusual yellowing does anyone have a ideas..plz

    Looks like you are about 3-4 weeks of flower. I am going to assume you have switched to bloom nutes. Your plants are going through a huge transformation right now; the hungriest that they have ever been and need N. If you look through the posts here you will see that yellowing is a common...
  9. buyyouabeer

    Scorpion Diablo 5x5

    I run a 350R Diablo as one of my light bars; also 3x 3 288 QB bars from Timber (when they used to make them). You absolutely should get a lux meter they are only like $30. You're thinking of a true PAR meter which are $$$. For white light fixtures lux works just fine. I run my seedlings around...
  10. buyyouabeer

    Phosphorus Deficiency? How to correct?

    Looks like Ca deficiency to me. Rust spots and slight yellowing of the leaves.
  11. buyyouabeer

    Curing Buds with Vanilla Bean or Dried Peach

    Only one way to find out. Not thinking it would be for me but I don't like those flavored vape cartridges. Much prefer the natural terps from vaping flower in my Solo 2 or the CO2 live resin cartridges.
  12. buyyouabeer

    Whole Garden Destroyed | Septoria Outbreak?

    I think you are chasing your tail here. Looks like Ca deficiency to me. Your PH seems low for soil and could be causing nutrient lock out. I have never once checked my nutrients PH in soil, but I have really great water...
  13. buyyouabeer

    Do you have a mammoth mint 8 or HLG scorpion Diablo X? Post here!

    OP one thing I haven't seen mentioned here is the advantage of having three separate panels vs one big light. I run a 4x8 with 3x Timber lights with 3x 288 V2 HLG Quantums each and just recently replaced my Tasty COB bar with the 350 Diablo. This makes life so much easier to dial in your light...
  14. buyyouabeer

    Modified Jacks 321 schedule

    I always feed every time I water. I also don't use some strict formula with my Jack's; start at 0.9g/0.6g/0.3g for the seedlings and just up the ratio as they get bigger and can tolerate it. I have been running Ace Seeds sativas over the last couple of years so never take them over...
  15. buyyouabeer


    The trick to this is to use 190 Everclear / Clear Springs grain alcohol. Decarb your bud and break it up in a pint mason jar; I use an ounce. Take another pint jar and put in 8oz of the 190 and place both jars in the freezer overnight. Combine them and gently swirl and return to freezer, swirl...