Recent content by BUZZBALL

  1. B

    Tincture question

    So I have a few broken the carts(thc oil) is there a way I could create a tincture from it instead of transporting to a new cart to use it? Any thoughts?
  2. B

    Already flowering?

    Its my fault for sure. I started in jiffy pads then went to clear solo cups then someone said to use red so i swapped to red cups then to the 5L pots so its probably the 3 different transplants lol
  3. B

    Already flowering?

    Well ill try again with 2 new seeds and see how it goes
  4. B

    Already flowering?

    plenty of light and i have the window open to vent the room they arnt in a tent or anything
  5. B

    Already flowering?

    600W total full spectrum
  6. B

    Already flowering?

    Ill be here
  7. B

    Already flowering?

    its a full spectrum ill link it.
  8. B

    Already flowering?

    I dont have space for 3 gallon but i can try this summer. Do you know the rough yeild amount for runtz?
  9. B

    Already flowering?

    oh boy okay so keep it in whatever pots i start in basically. Well a small yeild is better than no yeild. This is my first grow.
  10. B

    Already flowering?

    They are 3 differnt strains. devil cream, blue amnesia and monster cookiez. I did transplant from solo cups to 5L pots around 2 weeks ago.
  11. B

    Already flowering?

    Yes they are autos
  12. B

    Already flowering?

    Are my plants flowering? They are still very short tallest one is maybe a foot. Around 6-8 weeks old. Not sure if its the light exposure but im not certain on what i should do or even can do.
  13. B

    Seeling yellowing

    updates pics: much greener. Some yellowing still but alot better. going to busy the one in the left cup since its taller than the empire state.
  14. B

    Seeling yellowing

    Okay so all the plants are green again in the middle some of the outer leaves are yellow and shrivled up but its looking alot better. Only thing is one of them is super tall. and thin. Should i burry more of the stem under the soil?
  15. B

    Seeling yellowing

    They are slowly coming back to green the new light arrives tomorrow ill follow if i see a guide lol otherwise i may ask you.