Recent content by Buzzo

  1. B

    First time grow with DIY 60w led panel and Super Skunk

    Looks damn impressive for a 25 day plant jalapo. Keep us updated, im anxious to see how these chinese diodes perform in bloom.
  2. B

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    Fuck this flushing business man! Grow in organic soil and blow sweet trees. End of story. Fuck, man. Hydroponics... lol
  3. B

    compost tea help

    Alrighty than, hyroot. Sorry for the hi-jack OP.
  4. B

    compost tea help

    I'll stick to Wilson's work/advice. Maybe this can help you: ACT made with only 2.38% vermicompost and 0.50% black strap molasses: "You will be searching hard to find anyone who can grow fungi as well in ACT as this kooky...
  5. B

    compost tea help

    Also, foam is no indication of a tea's viability
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    compost tea help

    Hyroot, Ingham's work is, well, old. Her theory about molasses feeding bacteria ONLY is absurd. Molasses feeds bacteria AS WELL AS fungi - this we know now. Teaming With Microbes is an excellent resource but many things written there have long been disproved. To give you an example, I...
  7. B

    compost tea help

    I still don't understand all this PH talk when it comes to organic growing... mind boggling on every level. Dank, unless you have a microscope and know how to identify bacteria/archaea/protozoa/nematodes, stick to the basics. QUALITY (can't emphasize this enough!) compost/vermicompost and...
  8. B

    Apollo Series LED panels from Cidly

    ^This. And do they think they're Apple or what?
  9. B

    Blackstar 135w vs HTG Supply 135w LED UFO: Same Shyte?

    Simple answer: Yes, both are the same shyte. However, I like the HTG spectrum more. Just my $0.02.
  10. B

    Where do you measure temperature?

    This is correct
  11. B

    best type of light to use with 3' height in cab?

    +1 PLLs can do wonderful things in the right hands.
  12. B

    Grow Tent Q

    HAHA yea, that would make for a weird ass tent
  13. B

    Grow Tent Q

    2x600 in a 3x3? wtf OP, 250 is fine in a 3x3. Short and wide is key.
  14. B

    Club T5

    I'd definitely "try" to flower with T5s :shock:. They work, and when used correctly, will keep up with HPS numbers/yields. Oh, and don't forget about the quality final product you get with T5s. Just my $0.02. No need to get fancy with the bulbs, guys. Throw some $10 flora suns in the fixture...
  15. B

    best type of light to use with 3' height in cab?

    Heat rises no matter what; not just with LEDs. Also, I wouldn't exactly say LEDs put out a lot of heat. They're, hands down, the easiest light source to cool - great solution for micro/closet growers. budballer A cool tube would make a significant difference in heat. Also, you mention letting...