Recent content by caju

  1. caju

    Lower Growing Shoots are yellowing

    A few days ago my leaves started turning very dark green, so I misted them with Copper, and flushed the soil to get rid of a possible N over-fert. However today I started noticing the lower leaves getting quite light green, and the bottom growing shoots started getting yellow to white, with the...
  2. caju

    White Spots on Leaves

    uhm... i thought misting was good... that figures... hehe in any case, ill try some pyrethrum tonite, in case of bugs... thanks guys!
  3. caju

    White Spots on Leaves

    Oh well, a few weeks have passed, new leaves and it all. The past leaves i had to pluck em all out, and youll see in the back of the picture one of the old ones that i left. (as you can see it really is bashed up) Anyways, some of the new leaves are showing white spots again, and now i got a...
  4. caju

    What Strain is this?!

    ok, first off, i live in a country where pot has an overall bad quality. It comes from the paraguai, pressed with lots of amonia. Thus, we say we got a good'un if it isnt too dry or without too much amonia... :roll: I picked some of the seeds out of a smoke, and they're going. Having a...
  5. caju

    too much sun?

    err.. didn't quite get it. Which water spots? The pyrethrum based water spots? So all i'm doing wrong is spraying pyrethrum during the day? If i leave it over night, should i spray water in the morning to "clean" it? hope you have the patience... heh
  6. caju

    too much sun?

    Is it possible for my plant to have too much sun, and get some sort of sunburn? Where i live is really hot, and i've been seeing some white spots appear on plants. I thought it was spider mite, but i've been throwing pyrethrum based inseticide for several days, and i always get the feeling that...
  7. caju

    White Spots on Leaves

    thanks man.. do you think this could work: If you smoke cigarettes, you can also make a spray with a small amount of dish soap, and some tobacco. The nicotine is extremely toxic, and will kill the bugs if they come in contact with it. Break a bunch of cigarettes up and soak the tobacco in...
  8. caju

    White Spots on Leaves

    Im planting on my window still. The plants get direct sunlight during the day, and in the night i keep them under fosforescente light bulb (i know....). They are probally a little more than a month old, and are about 10 inches high, and new leaves are just sprouting on the leaves branches...