Recent content by calibarsjay

  1. C

    Organic issue

    Thanks for all the reply guys, all plants have been effected just some have handled it better, it's starting to get really bad and fast now here is some new pics, I think you are all correct there was to much of something and it's locked out and caused this, so would you say use rain water add...
  2. C

    Organic issue

    I'm not to sure I was using rain water in early stages, switched to tap water which I think is 300 ppm hard water
  3. C

    Organic issue

    Hey guys I've been watering less but I'm not sure if it's fixed the issue. The bottom leafes are turning yellow and crunchy fast, they are autos and defiantly should not be yellowing this fast at this stage, how sure are we that it's to much nitrogen and not the other way round and it was to low...
  4. C

    Organic issue

    Appreciate your reply you really know your stuff! I think you are spot on with excess micronutrients and the tea's. I'll cut back on the watering also I have been drowning them in one go instead of giving little bits of water at a time, would you recommend using rain water or tap water...
  5. C

    Organic issue

    Hey guys My plants leaf tips going light green and yellow, I'm organic use rain water, and brew tea with kelp, microbe powder, black strap masses and sometimes charge. What is the cause? Overwatering or pH levels come to mind or maybe a magnesium defincey ? Any help would appreciate it guys also...
  6. C

    Organic issue

  7. C

    Organic issue

    Hi there My first grow organic, I use eco thrive soil and growing autos, everything was going smooth but new growth seems to be getting yellow tips and turning a lighter green, I was using fresh rain water and brewing tea with - kelp - micro tea powder from grow shop - charge - black strap...
  8. C

    Seedling COTYLEDONS growing strange

    Hi there just need some advice, growing in living soil organic, popped auto flowers but one looks strange and not growing fast as others will this seedling pull threw? Thanks for any advice