Recent content by calmccoy18

  1. calmccoy18

    Basic Breeding

    finally! def gonna help alot on my journey into breeding.
  2. calmccoy18

    moving to california

    eh im sure they are not completely up to standards but what can it hurt to get the certification, some good references and get a foot in the door? I see on the website they have teams asking for workers and i have no problem doing bitch work until i can make it on my own, might sound extremely...
  3. calmccoy18

    moving to california

    So let me break down my situation here. I am looking to move to california to make my living growing this wonderful herb we all love. My first city of choice was arcata in north california i was told it was extremely crowded for a person with my interests so i moved a little south and decided...
  4. calmccoy18

    is it really that easy?

    unless a very capable grower knew were to find a good torrent perhaps?
  5. calmccoy18

    is it really that easy?

    i was hoping to find the e book or atleast a torrent im assuming its not available unless you purchase it?
  6. calmccoy18

    is it really that easy?

    thanks man gonna start researching its been a dream to create my own unique strain
  7. calmccoy18

    is it really that easy?

    does nobody have an opinion on this?
  8. calmccoy18

    is it really that easy?

    You take one strain lets say this one is a male and let it pollinate a female of another strain, you take the seeds from that and use the method again and again and again. Is it that easy to cross breed? are there certain breeds that wont do well with each other? will it fuck up the genetics and...
  9. calmccoy18

    making gold

    So i am interested in cross breeding different strains and what i want to know is, are there any rules to follow when doing this. I get the idea how to cross 2 strains, but what im trying to figure out is, are there breeds that you shouldnt cross together and if not whats stopping me from taking...
  10. calmccoy18

    tripping while you bake?

    hahaha im not too worried about it i had just come across it online i figured it was like that whole smoking banana peels thing, you know just screwing with peoples minds i dont plan on raiding the spice rack haha
  11. calmccoy18

    tripping while you bake?

    ok so im sure this is an old one but i cant seem to get a straight answer. ive been told that if enough nutmeg is consumed you can trip hard, the last account i read was someone saying they ingested 34 grams i think and it lasted a full 24 hours, but along with some nasty after effects. im...
  12. calmccoy18

    good to see a fellow southerner

    good to see a fellow southerner
  13. calmccoy18

    2c family

    ive heard about mixing but was never too sure what to mix with how is it with the 2ce and the 2cp?
  14. calmccoy18

    how does it work

    ha more than just a stoned idea been my dream since my first grow its the greatest feeling in the world to raise and nurture these beautiful plants we enjoy so much and as for starting the business my intentions were to join a crew until i could afford to start on my own thanks for the advice...
  15. calmccoy18

    how does it work

    i had heard a little about oakland and oaksterdam but wasnt sure if it was the place to try and grow