Recent content by cattalley

  1. cattalley

    Getting a new job and they drug test question. Please Help!

    Thank you everyone. This is all good info. I googled drug test, cal law re drug tests, etc. etc. and the info wasn't half as informative as you folks. Thanks and wish me luck.
  2. cattalley

    Getting a new job and they drug test question. Please Help!

    Thanks but can some of you who are not strangers give me some details? I'm already obstaining and I'm gonna do the niacin routine and water dilution thing, but I'm more interested if anyone knows any stats or personal experience with California employers and their attitude with MM patients being...
  3. cattalley

    Getting a new job and they drug test question. Please Help!

    Hey everyone! I got a job interview coming and they said if you are hired you will be given a drug test. I'm MM patient but I'm afraid to take my medicine for fear I won't get the job. Does anyone know how California corps view MM and how am I to deal with this? Would it be sensable to say I'm...
  4. cattalley

    Chai Cinnamon Tea Recipe I do

    Hey everyone. Since my harvest, I had been trying to find something to do with the really funky big fan leafs I had left over. We were dying of cottonmouth one day so I decided to make tea with the leaf. It's really good and super refreshing. Enjoy! Get a large pan of water throw it on the...
  5. cattalley

    Nc outdoor grow

    I lived in NC, Cary to be exact, for a few months and the weed situation there sucks!!! All I could find was bammer weed that made me so paranoid I actually started liking the high from a budweiser more than that crappy shit weed they were selling for 50 an 8th. Pressed brown happy to...
  6. cattalley

    My indoor girls pics

    I used to make a solution from the crud at the bottom of my fish tank but the urea is a bit much for their little root hairs. Got any suggestions? :?
  7. cattalley

    My indoor girls pics

    Thank you again for everything. Please advise.
  8. cattalley

    My indoor girls pics

    When I look at their pics the HPS always makes them look so burnt. Thanks for the advise:clap:
  9. cattalley

    My indoor girls pics

    I'll be in ther around 8pm, I need some time to make sure all my room checks are done and then well check out together. Thank You soo much. May the powers that rule pot lay their hands upon you.:mrgreen:
  10. cattalley

    Happy birthday to me

    Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday Dear My Girls...Happy Birthday to Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Oh... and Fuck you Dumb Age Knight. whatever your stupid name kill!
  11. cattalley

    Question on stinky roomate

    ok everyone I'm back with an update on the stinker. After spending 3 days in the hospital with e-coli racing threw my veins, I've finally got the message to him. I found out he had ran out of my mayonnaise ( use your own motherfucker! )and decided he would sneakily replace it with some he had...
  12. cattalley

    Hi I'm from SF area. Is this how I send you a message?

    Hi I'm from SF area. Is this how I send you a message?
  13. cattalley

    Actally I'm in the bay area but I got a little paranoid so I switched it to bubbletown hee hee

    Actally I'm in the bay area but I got a little paranoid so I switched it to bubbletown hee hee
  14. cattalley

    Who knows what this is?

    Sulfer burn gave me excellent results.Do you know how to use it? If you need help shoot me a line
  15. cattalley

    Who knows what this is?

    Doesn't baking soad have a lot of salt in it? I'm afraid to spray my girls with anything that contains salt. I've used a sulfer burner on my crop before and I will swear by this...I have no PM in my room. Once I did it once I've never had to go back again to treat. :mrgreen: