Recent content by Cbdeamz

  1. Cbdeamz


    thanks!!! I heard the more amber the trichromes the more sedating it is and I'm tapering off a benzodiazepine right now so I aimed for AS LATE as possible lol. Thanks for the kind words friend
  2. Cbdeamz


    Some pics of her before harvest
  3. Cbdeamz


    Okay thanks for your advice Tbh I enjoy its buzz i can honestly say I've smoked a .7 or so to myself and no headache! However, it can be a wee bit harsh. As stated before though, I believe I can help that by taking a bit more leaves off. I think that will help bring out the flavors a little...
  4. Cbdeamz


    Hahaha Thank you kindly for your words!! It smells extremely floral/skunky/sweet. Smokes a BIT harsh, I wont lie. I think I can help with that by doing ANOTHER trim (only on biggest leaves possible)
  5. Cbdeamz


    Hey All :) Please forgive me as this only my I'm a TOTAL noob when it comes to this as this is only my 2nd post and 1st grow ever (outdoors). So if I'm in the wrong place, forum etc. I apologize in advance!! The 2 pics are of my "Grandfather OG" grown outdoors. It was planted mid - late July...
  6. Cbdeamz

    I JUST FOUND THIS SURPRISE... what to do?

    That is something that I've also been contemplating. Practice some ice water hash perhaps?
  7. Cbdeamz

    I JUST FOUND THIS SURPRISE... what to do?

    That's what I was thinking. Obviously trim any excess leaves off to help with its harshness. Tbh idk if it will end up harsh (not 100% down on the science behind it) because surprisingly it's not BONE dry. I just tried squishing one of the smaller buds to see if it was going to turn into...
  8. Cbdeamz

    I JUST FOUND THIS SURPRISE... what to do?

    Hey all, I apologize if this is posted in the wrong forum, I'm a noob here as this is my first post. I was hoping to get some advice/opinions on what to do with this nice little surprise I found today. A little back story, this year was my first time actually attempting to grow so I chose...