CCGNZ's latest activity

  • C
    CCGNZ replied to the thread Examples of GOP Leadership.
    TARIFFS? So the last 30+ yrs. virtually all mfg. left the country so all the wealthy corps could take advantage of cheap foreign labor...
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    CCGNZ replied to the thread Lucky 13 seeds (canada) Any input?.
    ME neither, DRAMA, Fbook Mktplace loaded w/ scams, glad this shit didn't exist in my teens/20-30's the pressure w/everybody wanting to...
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    CCGNZ reacted to Nugnewbie's post in the thread Lucky 13 seeds (canada) Any input? with Like Like.
    I don't do Facebook or IG. Guess I'm sol.
  • C
    CCGNZ replied to the thread Examples of GOP Leadership.
    That's commendable, we need alternatives to raise revenue to pay down our debt, I wonder what kind of revenue my 2 suggestions would...
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    CCGNZ reacted to VaSmile's post in the thread Examples of GOP Leadership with Like Like.
    Under our current tax plan if we simply removed the RI exemption 90+% of community houses of worship would still not pay taxes as they...
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    CCGNZ replied to the thread Examples of GOP Leadership.
    "Curious" and PERCEPTIVE , I even tried the "paragraph" thing SUNNI recommended, but when I hit post it still comes out in block form...
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    CCGNZ reacted to curious2garden's post in the thread Examples of GOP Leadership with Like Like.
    Ada (Ada Lovelace). Enola spelled backwards is Alone. It struck me as fitting as I pondered the horrible weight and significance of all...
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    CCGNZ reacted to VaSmile's post in the thread Examples of GOP Leadership with Like Like.
    1. Renewed public investments in education and infrastructure. 2. Reconfigure SS so benefits are sustainable even in a decreasing...
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    CCGNZ replied to the thread Examples of GOP Leadership.
    The money spent lobbying to influence/corrupt is ridiculously out of hand,the Church's golden yrs. for being a cash cow for taxation...
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    CCGNZ replied to the thread Lucky 13 seeds (canada) Any input?.
    I hear ya,TOO many licences granted,I been confounded w/ the cost to grow licensed indoors cost wise...
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    CCGNZ reacted to Nugnewbie's post in the thread Lucky 13 seeds (canada) Any input? with Like Like.
    Yes, the legal weed here has saturated the market, and so legal stuff is quite cheap. We also have more weed stores than Mcdonalds and...
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    CCGNZ replied to the thread Examples of GOP Leadership.
    When exactly did our nation become so seemingly OBLIVIOUS to the term "CONFLICT OF INTEREST"??? Between Musk having absolutely no Q/A...
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    CCGNZ replied to the thread Lucky 13 seeds (canada) Any input?.
    Your more than welcome, OH I have restrictions alright, but I'm a rebel on this issue, I've grown when serious trouble was in store...
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    CCGNZ replied to the thread Examples of GOP Leadership.
    YOU know your history, bet no newborn girls are named Enola anymore:D,or Agnes,Gladys for that matter,different times
  • C
    CCGNZ replied to the thread Lucky 13 seeds (canada) Any input?.
    I expected more from the PBH,which they bill as extreme potency,plants were pretty uniform though,Frostberry is supposed to be...