Recent content by Cheebatrees

  1. C

    Pistils turning orange in week 3 of flower? Really need some advice!

    Do you think it’s the case by these photos? Or still too early to tell. I’m convinced it’s the foliar as it happened after I sprayed last night…
  2. C

    Pistils turning orange in week 3 of flower? Really need some advice!

    For real? Does this resemble the same sort of thing? I’ve got another tent you think I should isolate them in there under the same light schedule? And just monitor if they hermie?
  3. C

    Pistils turning orange in week 3 of flower? Really need some advice!

    Also wondering if the bud development for day 23 after flip is lacking? Was expecting to see bigger by now
  4. C

    Pistils turning orange in week 3 of flower? Really need some advice!

    so I used to think the same. But I’ve seen people pushing theirEC to 18.0 with the same nutrient line I’m using (Athena) with only slightly bleached tips towards day 65
  5. C

    Pistils turning orange in week 3 of flower? Really need some advice!

    yeah sorry man I’m new here, wasn’t sure where to post it. As I’m not sure if it is a problem? had a feeling it may have been the foliar. If it is damaged is it going to affect it badly?
  6. C

    Pistils turning orange in week 3 of flower? Really need some advice!

    Hey guys, so I’m running a 2metre squared tent with two LUXX lighting 645 pros, a 16 pot Medusa run to waste system, 15litre pots dripper fed for 10 minutes four times a day with Athena blended line. Two Exhale co2 bags in there. Input ph is 5.8 EC input is 4.0 and run off is 6ph and 5.4EC, Ppfd...
  7. C

    Pistils turning orange very early into flower.

    Hey guys, so I’m running a 2metre squared tent with two LUXX lighting 645 pros, a 16 pot Medusa run to waste system, 15litre pots dripper fed for 10 minutes four times a day with Athena blended line. Two Exhale co2 bags in there. Input ph is 5.8 EC input is 4.0 and run off is 6ph and 5.4EC, Ppfd...