Recent content by Cheif Kief

  1. Cheif Kief

    UFO over Denver. For real.

    Aliens or no Aliens.. i'm pretty sure i'm not the only one here that's been wondering what kind of galactic weed they have up there.
  2. Cheif Kief


    According to FoxNews bigfoot is into blueberry bagels, i suggest you march into the woods with a duffel bag full of'em and you'll have all sorts of bigfoot creatures humping your leg
  3. Cheif Kief

    High vastly intensified by orgasm?

    you got more ripped after the you had sex, win
  4. Cheif Kief

    You know you're stoned, when??????

    You know you're stone when you open the fridge and think
  5. Cheif Kief

    killer karoke with steve o

    they should bring back wildboyz, now that was truly steve-o's best shows
  6. Cheif Kief

    Idea for a TV Show

    Party? More like a very interesting sesh group. Just imagine the endless possibilities of their "high" conversations, lets also get Morgan Freeman to narrate. Now that's a show i've been waitin for
  7. Cheif Kief

    Cemetary Controversy?!

    Lol stupid signs, no one pays attention to them anyways
  8. Cheif Kief

    Idea for a TV Show

    I vote Steve-O and Dave Chapelle as host, imagine how that would be like lolol
  9. Cheif Kief

    Which scenario would you prefer surviving against?

    Which would you rather prefer surviving against during the end of the world? A. Natural Disasters (Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, etc.) or B. Zombie Apocalypse This would be in a realistic standpoint, so you wouldn't have a Ferrari GT racing against a tsunami or a bountiful of...
  10. Cheif Kief

    smokein sum dank

    Dude idk what the fuck you smoked lol but must be the shiznit
  11. Cheif Kief

    Do you volunteer?

    Nice to see riu is filled with decent people, I'm planning on becoming a social worker myself to help people. But I can see you guys have already started, cheers mates:bigjoint:
  12. Cheif Kief

    Damn, lol... wow....

    Fuck bad trips dude, "Life brings us down but not when we're high" - Anonymous
  13. Cheif Kief

    In Canada, can you be evicted for one plant?

    lol grow it for fun, free weed
  14. Cheif Kief

    Struggling to take big bong rips

    Fuck ghosting bong rips I like exhaling ma smoke afterwards thinkin I'm a charzard using flamethrower
  15. Cheif Kief

    Chernobyl - A cuebossa grow

    Looks well taken care of, gooodshit