Recent content by ChJones

  1. C

    I have some beautiful ladies almost ready to harvest I just don't know how to post a pic.... lmao

    I have some beautiful ladies almost ready to harvest I just don't know how to post a pic.... lmao
  2. C

    What's going on everyone

    What's going on everyone
  3. C

    Nutrient burn?

    Thanks for the info but my problem was they were over watered and my ph was off in the soil water and nutrients I was feeding with alkaline water instead of acid water
  4. C

    Plant health

    I use mixed Foxx farm ocean with fox farm happy frog. The nutrients I use are the fox farm big bloom now that it's in flowering...I also thought it might be a lockout also. So I figured to give them straight water until harvest..... also I think a bigger pot might do the trick also. Thanks for...
  5. C

    Plant health

    Can anyone help me out with my plant issue. I don't know if it's light burn or nutrient burn. Maybe I have locked up the roots by over watering
  6. C

    Nutrient burn?

    Is this a better pic
  7. C

    Nutrient burn?

    Can anyone help me out what possible could be the issue with my plant. I think it's nutrient burn tho
  8. C


    Yeah somebody already said
  9. C


    You might be on to something...I need to put my tsw600 in the 4x4 and use 1 of the tsw2000 in the 2x2
  10. C


    2x5 is smaller in width or height compared to the 4x4
  11. C


    That's the issue I was having so I added another tsw2000 to cover more than enough space. I only have 2 plants in their just killed off a male that was doing great
  12. C

    Gender of plant

    Plant gone to plant heaven now...
  13. C


    Preciate the info thanks a bunch buddy
  14. C

    Gender of plant

    Naw I haven't reached the stage where as I'm comfortable to breed. So I just yeah the plant. Was thinking bout drying the plant out and make butter or green dragon
  15. C


    Oh my bad I'm new to the site, just trying learn how things work