Recent content by Choco8

  1. Choco8

    Post your trichomes / plants before harvest !!

    DP Durban Poison a few days before going down. Pink trichomes. :
  2. Choco8

    Dutch Passion Durban Poison

    April 22 - Mostly orange and red now, putting on some great density and resin. 10 more days in theory!
  3. Choco8

    Dutch Passion Durban Poison

    April 16. Colors and aromas intensifying. Getting fatter. This is a fascinating strain to grow - always something interesting going on.
  4. Choco8

    Dutch Passion Durban Poison

    No problem! Looks like you are making good use of your space and equipment, and your plants look very healthy. Let me know how they come into their flowering!
  5. Choco8

    Dutch Passion Durban Poison

    April 15 - About half white pistils and half rust orange pistils now. A few fan leaves are showing their age now along the edges after 6 weeks in the breezy desert-like (37% humidity) environment, but overall looking healthy and ready to fill out for another 2 weeks or more.
  6. Choco8

    Best durban poison seeds?

    This is exactly how I feel about this. Thanks for this thoughtful post.
  7. Choco8

    Dutch Passion Durban Poison

    Thanks for this description. I'll have to take a fresh sniff of actual fennel and anise to see if my nose is being misled by faulty aroma-memories!
  8. Choco8

    Dutch Passion Durban Poison

    So this pheno has these cool pink and blood-red trichomes with little kaleidoscopes of dark red secretory glands ( ? ).
  9. Choco8

    Greenhouse privacy material

    If have found that the greenhouse plastic with the anti-drip coating provides just enough opacity to obscure what exactly is going on inside other than general colors and shapes. But maybe shapes are too much, eh? I also have my greenhouses screened under the area where the rollup sides are to...
  10. Choco8

    Low Cost Automated Drain To Waste System For Coir

    I neglected to include the cost of the black 2 x 2 trays that the plants sit it: 2' x 2' TRAYS FOR LOWBOY TABLES - I bought mine from GrowGeneration. 4 of these @ $36 = $144 You can make the PVC tables so that these set down into them so that about an 1" of the tray is gripped all around the...
  11. Choco8

    Low Cost Automated Drain To Waste System For Coir

    UPDATE : Here is a list of the components used in this system for anyone interested in building one. I'd be happy to assist anyone taking the project on. It's working really REALLY well. "Whole House" type water filter - $40- $80 (optional) INLET VALVE - 3/4" Stainless Steel Electric Solenoid...
  12. Choco8

    Dutch Passion Durban Poison

    Beautiful! That has a slightly different look to it. Are you getting the anise aroma?
  13. Choco8

    Best durban poison seeds?

    Responding to my own post just to update this is this version of "Durban Poison" ( Dutch Passion) at a few days short of 6 weeks of flowering. Bristling with bright white and orange pistils as well as resin-clad calyxes sporting purple and burgundy colors. A minty anise scent is by...
  14. Choco8

    Best durban poison seeds?

    Nice looking bush man!
  15. Choco8

    Dutch Passion Durban Poison

    Better shot of the rusty orange pistil clusters now emerging: