Recent content by Chrisbkush420

  1. C

    New Comer

    Hey guys what is up my name is Chris a d I'm ad to be apart of this community. I am a new indoor grower but have been growing outdoor for 5 years. I'm looking forward to learning and helping the best I can here.
  2. C

    Small brown drops on the leaf

    Did you recently feed or water.
  3. C

    Yu can also make a banana tea like a compost tea and feed her.

    Yu can also make a banana tea like a compost tea and feed her.
  4. C

    I would use no more than a 1/4 cup

    I would use no more than a 1/4 cup
  5. C

    Very wierd what feno are you doing

    Very wierd what feno are you doing