Hello everyone, unfortunately my little spindly baby plants died. Bummer! Trial and error. I need advice on where I can fo online and order some good seeds?TIA
I'm growing rhis fie personal reasons and medically it helps me %nothing else helps however the cost is another reason to grow my own stuff. Bur its atart is crazy. I filled rhe cup all rhe way like you said bur the little plant looks worse. I'm so about to give up no doubt. If they are deaf...
I separated the two last night both had small roots buried them down and added more soil to hold it up dome hope rhe roots attach on the new clear solo cup. Mt medium Is just soil here's a picture of the light source I have.
Hello everyone I am a new grower and I planted three seeds and I have three plants that have popped up but they're very tall and not sure what to do next. Help!!