Recent content by Chronabis408

  1. Chronabis408

    1000 watt?

    what is the greatest number of plants you've grown under a single thousand watt hps? Also what was your total yield? Thanks RIU!
  2. Chronabis408

    powdery mildew + rep

    I noticed that one of my ladies had powdery mildew on her fan leaves (5th week of flower). I got some spray called safegro mildew cure (organic) that got rid of the mildew for a couple weeks. Im now in my 7th week of flower and the mildew has returned but not as strong as it was before. I...
  3. Chronabis408

    Teen clones

    I bought some teen clones (Blue Dream). They are about 20 inches tall. How long would you veg them for? Is it personal preference? Thanks to all.
  4. Chronabis408

    WIll it be worth it?

    you should definately look into an ozone generator. Ive got one and it elminates the smell pretty well. Good luck!
  5. Chronabis408

    ph too high

    Im nearing my 6th week of flowering and my ph is about 8.0. What should I do to lower it to optimal levels?
  6. Chronabis408

    Yield? (First Grow)

    Thanks for your time. I know no one can tell me an exact yield but I was looking more for a "ballpark estimate" based on experience.
  7. Chronabis408

    Yield? (First Grow)

    Thanks in advance for anyone that took the time to answer my noob questions. Anyone have any idea what my yield will be per plant? I have 16 plants (9 blue dreams under one light and the rest are GDP and Odyssey under the other light). Im running two 1000 watt hps lights with two powerful...