Recent content by chupacabra4real

  1. C

    awhen is the smell gone?

    that's what i m waiting for.the day it goes clack and straight in the jar.then i will be able to control the smell better.I didn;t wanna believe that one tiny plant can reek like is true ,i live in a small apt and the smell fills it rather fast if i were to leave the tent s door open...
  2. C

    awhen is the smell gone?

    i dry it in the grow smells like a thousand deaths.i had some spare active carbon that i put on the floor of the tent and it ;s kinda working.I am extra busy these days with work so i don t have the time to go search for ona(only one place sells it and it s far far from my area ,so i...
  3. C

    awhen is the smell gone?

    I m afraid it s good shit.the worst thing is my landlord lives right underneath my i was hoping that it will stop reeking after couple days in drying,,,,,
  4. C

    awhen is the smell gone?

    after how many days of drying does the smell disappear?
  5. C

    quick question please

    does weed smell stronger when drying than when growing?
  6. C

    Popcorn Buds!!!to pick or not to pick?!!?

    If those popcorn tiny buds are picked ,will this delay flowering as it would be a shock for the plant?Or should they be picked as they consume plant s energy?+ rep
  7. C

    Strain to raise blood pressure???

    From all that ,I choose excessive thinking :)
  8. C

    would led's help or just change the colour in the g-room?

    I use a 150 w hps and have a 14 watt led panel in the blue spectrum laying around.As they give no heat ,i was thinking installing it too in flower.Would it do any good or would I just be throwing watts out the window?
  9. C

    Strain to raise blood pressure???

    Is there any strains that help raise blood pressure?I know that most marijuana strains help lowering it ,but that ;s not what I need.I was wondering if there are strains that raise blood pressure a bit ,or at least that don't lower it so much< no matter the smell ,height ,or how long it takes to...
  10. C

    sexing seeds this true? this true?
  11. C

    what is the difference between these strains|???

    What is the difference(s) between the Black Domina and the Sweet Afghani Delicious?
  12. C

    daytime smoke indica

    please name some indicas or hybrids with short flowering periodwhich are suited for daytime smoke also not so heavy hitting.
  13. C

    myth or truth?

    thank you for the this means that if i harvest a indica (that normally finishes in 8-9 weeks) in the 7 th week ,given the fact thai it normally has say 20 thc and 1.6 cbd ,do i obtain at least say 10 thc and 0.5 cbd?
  14. C

    myth or truth?

    thanx for the reply ,I have found the article Still would like to see some more opinions from you guys