Recent content by Chwonz

  1. C

    First grow, what is my plant telling me?

    5 gal pots. When I don't mix in nutes the pH runs around 8
  2. C

    First grow, what is my plant telling me?

    Watering about a gallon of water every 3-4 days. Using fox farm flowering nutes every other watering. My tap water tends to run high on the pH scale, could that be a possible cause?
  3. C

    First grow, what is my plant telling me?

    I'm growing an auto in soil and it's been flowering for 2-3 weeks now and is showing signs of something. The edges of the leaves are turning yellow and there are yellow/brown spots on some of them. Please let me know what you think is wrong. Thanks for the help.
  4. C

    Yellow spotted leaves?

    Help please! I'm growing an auto in soil. It's a couple weeks into flowering and some of the leaves are getting yellow/brownish spots on them. Does anyone know what is causing this? Thanks for the help!
  5. C

    First Ever Grow - Super Newb

    Day 58:
  6. C

    First Ever Grow - Super Newb

    Day 50: Went away for a couple days and came home to this beauty
  7. C

    First Ever Grow - Super Newb

    Thank you :)
  8. C

    First Ever Grow - Super Newb

    11/15: I added two small 14W CFLs to each side of the plant. I think she's starting to show signs of pre flower but I'm not totally sure. The tips of some of the leaves turned yellow a couple days ago but I don't think it's anything to worry about.
  9. C

    Ripped leaves and whole branch falling off??

    The rip could definitely be from the fan, but a whole branch falling off seems strange. No noticeable rodent activity.
  10. C

    Ripped leaves and whole branch falling off??

    My Auto is about 5 weeks into veg and yesterday I woke up to an entire branch detached from the plant and a rip in one of the fan leaves. I'm using a 45W LED above and two 14W cfls on the sides. Growing in soil in a 5 gallon pot. What could be the issue here? Thanks for the help.
  11. C

    Tips of leaves turning yellow?

    First time grower here. I just noticed the tips of the leaves on my AK47 auto turning yellow. I have her in a 5 gallon pot with biobizz light mix soil. She's about a month into veg and I last fed her about a week ago with a half dose of 6-4-4, so I don't think I burned her. Could it be a N...
  12. C

    A couple questions about my first grow

    Thank you very much
  13. C

    A couple questions about my first grow

    I've been growing an AK47 Auto for about a month now. I'm running a 45W LED light and the plant is in a 5 gallon pot with Biobizz light mix soil. Question 1: The plant is getting pretty big now, but I find myself only watering once a week -- maybe even less than that. I water with 1 gallon...
  14. C

    First Ever Grow - Super Newb

    11/7: One month
  15. C

    First Ever Grow - Super Newb

    11/1: Watered Shaymin today with about a gallon of water mixed with a half dose of the suggested Grow Big (6-4-4) fertilizer.