Recent content by circle ting

  1. circle ting

    Heat stress? Plants dying?

    Just for all who cares! The Plants are very healthy and close to flower, after some TLC I appreciate all who tried to help me , I'll most likely post a harvest report when they're done if anybody is interested, I'm putting it down to heat stress because I've literally changed nothing apart from...
  2. circle ting

    Heat stress? Plants dying?

    As of now they are around 24c and 14c A few days ago it was abysmal around 45c and 34c, poor girls indeed..
  3. circle ting

    Heat stress? Plants dying?

    I guess it's my inly choice at this moment if not I'll have to start again, ugh thanks man
  4. circle ting

    Heat stress? Plants dying?

    Ah I was just talking about the few roots I could see at surface level when I dug down a little bit to check, I don't let the coco I recently switched back from dwc for a change, and I guess I miss calculated how bad it was going to be I've never experienced that kind of heat, I guess it's a...
  5. circle ting

    Heat stress? Plants dying?

    Quite stringy, lifeless looking I'm pretty sure they're gonna die, it's as if I never watered them for a long time, but I do it every day or 2 without fail, it's been the same grow routine for 10 years or so and this has never happened, very depressing to say the least
  6. circle ting

    Heat stress? Plants dying?

    It really does look like I've fried them by wetting them and putting a light too close but I can say I haven't, I'm pretty sad about the plants but I'm actually more confused than anything! I do spray occasionally but when lights are off so they're dry when they come back on Also lights were...
  7. circle ting

    Heat stress? Plants dying?

    Oh... well I can whole heartedly say my medium has always been wet, I monitor them every morning and night time, I think the heatwave just destroyed them, the room temps were probably around 46 for 3 days which is just ludicrous, but I had no means or way to cool the room down, I'm going to try...
  8. circle ting

    Heat stress? Plants dying?

    They've never wilted this grow and, if I'm honest they looked perfectly green leaves upright no marks etc, until the high heatwave hit us, I'm baffled..
  9. circle ting

    Heat stress? Plants dying?

    Thats Exactly what I'm thinking, I've never seen this before its baffled me :| I'm using: canna coco proffesional Led Mars hydro lights 500w to veg, around 4ft away Half strength nutes as always Occasionally been spraying when lights are off
  10. circle ting

    Heat stress? Plants dying?

    They looked perfect about 4 days ago before the 40 degree heatwave and now...well they look depressing to say the least :wall:
  11. circle ting

    Heat stress? Plants dying?

    Pictures of the damage
  12. circle ting

    Heat stress? Plants dying?

    Hello guys its been a while since I've been here, it seems my plants are in real big trouble for the first time in 10+ years I'm guessing it's that god awful heatwave that's screwed them over, but I'm unsure of what steps to take next... it seems like ever day that passes more leaves are dying...
  13. circle ting

    need help with LIGHT for flowering

    i have not got a scope ill pick 1 up this week , would seem shame to harvest wrong
  14. circle ting

    need help with LIGHT for flowering

    plants have more than doubled in 12 days :fire:
  15. circle ting

    need help with LIGHT for flowering

    thanks for the detailed pics they help a ton!