Recent content by CitrusOGKUsh420

  1. C

    150w hps blueberry

    setup does not look to bad for first timer. move the cfl about 2-4 inches off the tops (cfl produces very little heat so it can be set close to promote optimal growth) next thing is for you to do is make sure you dont go nute crazy and start burning your little babies to early cuase that will be...
  2. C

    1st Grow and Trippin Out

    move light about 5 inches closer.looks like a cfl lighting correct? should be fairly close or else your sprouts are going to end up to tall and to leggy.
  3. C

    Negative ion's. good or bad?

    i recently purchased a air purifier with a negative ion addition that send negative ions into the air. my question is that when i came to check on my seedlings, i got my finger close to one and it reached out and zapped me. so i figured the negative ions are charging my seedlings with a...
  4. C

    400w vs 600w for grow tent

    go with the 600w..possibly get a dual MH/HPS bulb? just make sure you have proper ventilation cuase the 600w gets hott.
  5. C

    Anyone harvested big blue(NL #5xBlueBerry) before?

    keep posting i am also interested in big blue.. i want to see the harvest :)
  6. C

    Who knows of 2012,

    little tommy is right.. it depends on how far you do want to follow the rabbit hole..but trust me the hole is very very deep.
  7. C

    what will they think of next?

    you cant clone them becuase they are autoflowering and go to quickly from veg to flower so there is no suitable cuttings for cloning
  8. C

    stretched sproutling's?

    alright cool.. i figured this could work.. thanks
  9. C

    stretched sproutling's?

    sprouted a ccoiuple lowryder ak47 seeds and im using cfl's.. its about 10 days and they are looking kind of tall and not to leafy... i was wondering if i could transplant them to a bigger pot and bury some of the stalk? i know on bigger plants you can do this and the stalk will root.. any help?
  10. C

    Lighting question.please help :)

    ok thanks ive browsed ebay already and found a couple nice setups but i will check out that site.. thank you :D
  11. C

    Lighting question.please help :)

    I have been doing a little research so im fairly sure what i want and i was thinking a 400w mh system with a conversion HPS bulb for flowering. my question is if any one has any good web sites for lighting that is fiar priced becuase i dont want to break the bank while doing my purchase. any...
  12. C

    Can I use these seeds?

    stick to the paper towles..keep them moist and make sure temp is nice and good..70degrees plus is optimal.and be patient :D
  13. C

    Grape Ape vs. The Purps

    way back when there was hymalian gold(spelled wrong) but that was about 30 years ago and hasent been seen since
  14. C

    Need help with a medical strain

    ah my friend..i have similar issues and have also had some of your same you i have many functions and activites after medicating so i dont like to be a "zombie". i found that some of my favorite strains for pain and as far as keeping it together would be a good indica stavia mix...
  15. C

    Strongest Strain Known To Man?

    several differnt strains have the upwards of 22+% THC.of coarse this depends on optimal grow conditions and amazing care. For instance severl types of Arjan's haze will have 22.3%THC or more. all depends on conditions,time, exct...