Recent content by Clumpyoyster

  1. Clumpyoyster

    Day 63 1000w 5x5 grow

    First grow
  2. Clumpyoyster

    Bug identification

    Definitely thrips
  3. Clumpyoyster

    Bug identification

    Where do you live?
  4. Clumpyoyster

    Need help friends, Lime green new growth..

    Looking at it could be a silver or zinc def. maybe ph is off but I’m not 100%
  5. Clumpyoyster

    Need help friends, Lime green new growth..

    How are the lower leaves looking on the plant?
  6. Clumpyoyster

    Heat Stress?

    Ya I’m in the process of rearranging and setting up the space a bit better
  7. Clumpyoyster

    Cannabis growing very slow + some questions

    Where is it that you can’t at least order online to get some decent soil delivered?
  8. Clumpyoyster

    Cannabis growing very slow + some questions

    And that soil does need some perlite in it to allow more oxygen to the roots. Add peat and perlite and you should see a big difference.
  9. Clumpyoyster

    Cannabis growing very slow + some questions

    That is some really high heat. Sweet spot is about 78F but I’ve grown indoor with temps at 80-82F. Where are you located that it’s so freaking hot!
  10. Clumpyoyster

    Heat Stress?

    She’s definitely more fussy then the other strains when it comes to heat. I’m dealing with the heat today. Two 4” exhaust and two 4” fresh air. I am waiting to buy an infinity T6 but right now I’m using what I have right now
  11. Clumpyoyster

    Heat Stress?

    Yeah I always feed and water with ph at around 6.5-6.7. This little plant has always looked a bit pale compared to the other plants. It’s only bag seed so I’m not to concerned and I have a few extra plants lol
  12. Clumpyoyster

    Heat Stress?

    Ok so all the plants in the tent seem to be healthy and happy and then I have this ugly duckling. Think it’s a Sativa so more probed to heat stress. I have the led 300w about 24” or more above the plant and it’s getting nice circulation. Not sure if it’s strain related or not. Comments..... I am...