Recent content by coldme

  1. coldme


    hey i wanted to know do you strip all your leaves and just leave the budding sites or leave leafs on till the end of grow
  2. coldme

    best seeds companies

    i would like to know peoples opinion on who sells the best kush seeds would it be cali connection are who would you say
  3. coldme

    plant wit problems in d w c

    switched over to hemp buckets
  4. coldme

    COCO.. What size containers are you using? Hows the yield?

    you can buy coco already rinsed right
  5. coldme

    Pot Size To Yield Ratio

    veryvery impressive
  6. coldme

    Pot Size To Yield Ratio

    a how do you do that let me in on it
  7. coldme

    hempy bucket gone wrong!

    the truth hurts dude
  8. coldme

    plant wit problems in d w c

    tryin to figure out whats going on with this plant in d w c plz hlp no notes yet waiting for more roots before i do so
  9. coldme

    learning dwc need a little hlp

    I transfered my plants from dirt to dwc they looked good for a few days and now they yellowing im wondering am I supposed to submerge plant in water or keep the water barely touching the bottom of the net pot and the roots will reach for the water in time do the bubbles under the net pot create...
  10. coldme

    question about drip system

    this question is about drip system with the rubber ring around the plant is the ring suppose to drip continulsly or every half hour or so my plants are fine i was wondering if i can get a better yield from a continous drip or every now then drip when the lights are on
  11. coldme

    my ph level keeps dropping

    im doing a dwc with a top feed u know the ring around the plant and i set my ph between 5.5 and 6 i went back a few days later and my levels is back a 4 im trying to figuar out why it keeps dropping is it because the water drains thru the clay pebbles hlp me out riu
  12. coldme


    hey what degrees do you flower at im trying to get down to 75
  13. coldme


    k i got it now I'm going to try that i goat find here to pull the air from in the room
  14. coldme


    u man put my 6 on top of the filter pulling thru then have my 8 inch at the end of the last light exhausting out the room
  15. coldme


    i think i may have to much duct work i will let u no what happens when i fix this problem thanks