Recent content by commonground

  1. C

    aeroflo spray lines?

    take a tack and stick it in the holes and make em a little bigger for better flow also i'd just like to say that i have had i great time laughing my ass off while reading this thread dont think ive ever heard the word "dinkus" used this many times in a thread before in my life great stuff...
  2. C

    Smokey's At It Again!!! GDP 36 Site Aeroflo

    i had a quick question. i was looking at your other aerflo 60 LED grow and it said you fit a aeroflo 60 in a 4' x 8' grow tent? is this true? im trying to order my whole setup at once and the GH website says the aeroflo 60 is 5'1"x7'. but since i saw your last thread i was thinkin if i could fit...
  3. C

    so you were able to fit an aeroflo 60 in a 4' x 8' grow tent?

    so you were able to fit an aeroflo 60 in a 4' x 8' grow tent?