Recent content by CoryTrevor

  1. C

    <b>DEA Wins Confidential Files</b>

    This was all definitely done to rake in cash to the state. Rake it in and sell us out.
  2. C

    Should I get the card now?

    A few month wait? Try 6 months.
  3. C

    Is This for Real? Currently Staff is Issuing Registry Identification Cards for Valid

    Well, I'm still waiting. And I can't find that page that says what month they are on now either.
  4. C

    Continuous Grow Setup Question

    I have a Secret Jardin DR120 grow tent. I intend on having a continuous grow with up to 14 plants going at once. I'm looking to grow for myself and one other patient. Should I have another grow tent that is bigger or smaller than the DR120 or one the same exact size? Will I need more room in...
  5. C

    Can I even go on vacation now?

    I want to grow my own. When I do actually start, will I ever be able to go on at least a weeks vacation?
  6. C

    How best to darken my basement windows?

    I don't need to have a reflective surface on the inside since I will be using grow tents.
  7. C

    How best to darken my basement windows?

    I want to block any outside light from getting in. Any suggestions?
  8. C

    Do you have to wait another 21 days after signing up with a caregiver?

    So if someone had overages, I could buy those legally even if they were not my caregiver?
  9. C

    Do you have to wait another 21 days after signing up with a caregiver?

    I don't see how this answers my question.
  10. C

    Do you have to wait another 21 days after signing up with a caregiver?

    Suppose you are already legal paperwork wise. If you finally find a caregiver, do you have to wait yet another 21 days before you can get your meds from them? Some guy who I almost went with as a caregiver told me this. Is this true?
  11. C

    Caregiver Looking for 2 patients. Ann Arbor Saline Clinton Tecumseh

    You are a god. Can you be my caregiver?
  12. C

    Is it a bad idea to use my vaporizer in my grow area?

    Vaporizers do not produce CO or even CO2. There is no combustion going on at all.
  13. C

    Do I start seedlings out with nutrients?

    So do I adjust the PH of the water I soak my rockwool in to something other than neutral? If so, what PH?
  14. C

    Do I start seedlings out with nutrients?

    I plan to use distilled water. Do I need to adjust the PH of distilled water? I would assume it would be damn close to neutral.