Recent content by Cottam97

  1. Cottam97

    Nute Burn?

    Hi mate I’m no expert but I’m thinking it’s a potassium deficiency you have. Sometimes you’ll get something that looks a lot like tip burn with a potassium deficiency, but it goes in further than nutrient burn, and with a potassium deficiency you also see yellowing between the leaf margins (on...
  2. Cottam97

    Can any one help ?

    Hi mate there’s a few things which can cause the yellowing of leaves so will go over a few things and hopefully you can solve your issue. Firstly have you checked the ph? Also another simple thing is poor watering and drainage can cause this, but what I personally think the issue is, would be a...
  3. Cottam97

    Yellow-Brown spots om my leafs

    Hi mate, are you using any cal mag in your feeds? That symptom you’ve described (small yellow and brown spots) is the start of a magnesium deficiency. If you aren’t using any cal-mag I 100% recommend when using LED lighting systems. Hope this helps mate
  4. Cottam97


    Hi mate I’m no expert by a long shot but that’s looking like a calcium deficiency to me. I’d recommended getting some cal-mag and putting it into your next feed. Hope this helps and good luck mate
  5. Cottam97

    Do these signs mean anything?

    No worries mate and yeah I’ll give you the best insight I can and know but I ain’t an expert of any sort.. For those with LED lighting systems containing UV light, the purpling of the stems and petioles is completely normal, and is solely an expression of pigmentation, usually displayed by...
  6. Cottam97


    Hi mate looks like a few things from my side of things and I’m no expert.. first off it looks like overwatering (leaves claw). I can also see some brown dots on the leaves making me think it’s also got a magnesium/calcium deficiency can see a few purple stems as well which ties in with this...
  7. Cottam97

    How close am I opinions

    I would personally carry them on for the 10 days until they start with the orange trichs mate keep giving them a look each day, it all comes down to personal preference when to cut I know a few who would cut now but personally I’d wait a little longer
  8. Cottam97


    Personally I think it’s scarring mate as they look healthy plants but better to be safe than sorry for the sake of a few quid
  9. Cottam97

    How close am I opinions

    Hi mate, trichomes heads start out clear and glassy. At this point, buds are not very potent. As buds mature, trichome heads turn milky white. They kind of look like plastic. These white trichome heads indicate the highest level of THC and CBD. If given more time, white trichome heads turn...
  10. Cottam97


    Hi mate, have you checked the underside of the leafs with a microscope? Some pests are very tiny and hard to see with the naked eye so I would recommend getting a jewlers loop to help to see if there any pests munching away. If it’s not pests it could very well be leaf scarring. Common if you’ve...
  11. Cottam97

    Hanging distance?

    Hi mate I had a similar experience and run LED’s and go off PAR numbers and I’ve never had any issues
  12. Cottam97

    Do these signs mean anything?

    Hi mate it’s looking like you have nutrition burn which is causing the tips to burn. This is what’s causing the plant to stress and the stems to go purple (also can happen if you’re under LED lights). And to your last point about the growth changing colour that’s down to nitrogen, normally comes...
  13. Cottam97

    Clawing and callus

    Hi mate the stems are red which shows plant stress you said they was under LED? That could cause stress which causes the stems to red (common with LED). Also with the growth it looks like bad soil? How good is your drainage? Might be worth checking the roots as well as you mentioned the...
  14. Cottam97

    Plant leaf problems

    yeah it could be root rot problems causing the yellowing I know this has an effect on new growth being a yellow colour. Has she been taking up less and less water that’s normally a give away as well? Just be careful not to jump to conclusions with the roots I know some can be a brown tinge but...
  15. Cottam97

    Plant leaf problems

    Hi mate have a look into iron deficiency? Thinking it could be that myself that’s how it’s looking anyway. I’m no expert but might worth just looking up some iron deficiency pictures and comparing? Hopefully this helps you out mate