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  • Some moisture on your stash can be a welcome thing! after its dried and crispy, Get an atomizer (like a perfume sprayer) put stash, about an ounce each into small tin cans (1 oz each) and lightly coat with purified water (or coating of choice, sugar water works-or experiment??) and then leave it in a dark damp place for about 1-2 weeks or until it has a light coat of mold ( yes mold) then I take it out and stir it a few times and let it cook once more, for a couple of days, (or another week) then it needs a little dry time (just open lid and wait a day or two ) and presto .. black mertha ! ready for the doobie. WoW.. psychedelic momma, I coming home!! Each time you open the tin (shake it first) and a cloud of magic dust appears to all onlookers as you open and roll the psyco shit!! Amaze your friends.
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