Recent content by crystalsanderas

  1. crystalsanderas

    Nutrient Disorders - another useful guide

    I Just found another useful pictoral guide to nutrient disorders/deficiencies. This one includes more info, especially on micronute deficiency. Not sure how to post the whole page so I'll just put the link. Hope it helps
  2. crystalsanderas

    Uk Weed Street Weights and Prices ! Leave yours here !

    Its about £10-£20 for an eighth here down south, and most of it is shite! So glad I grow now.
  3. crystalsanderas

    fast bud only 1 week left pics...

    Nice auto's man. Yeah check the trichomes with a real good magnifier. They change from clear to cloudy/milky to amber. If they are mostly clear it isn't ready. You want them to be mostly milky. When they turn amber the THC is starting to degrade. Looking at the pistils isn't always accurate, as...
  4. crystalsanderas

    Anyone use Ionic Nutrients

    I've used the formulex Ionic nute. That didn't smell of anything. Quite good stuff. Better than Biobizz which I thought was a bit pants.
  5. crystalsanderas

    Please recommend a strain that...

    You aint gonna get a non auto to grow under 20 inches unless u did some extreme training.
  6. crystalsanderas

    Noob Question - Why haven't My Seeds Germinated?

    Ah I see, guess I am a complete noob :-D. 85f? What's that about 20-25c? will have a look at my thermometer (Sorry, I'm English we do it in Celsius). I will try that next time, put the buggers in the airing cupboard ;-). Thanks guys.
  7. crystalsanderas

    Can I Use a 32-10-10 on My Plant?

    What is it cabbage food? ;-) Sounds a bit high to me. You could try making it up really weak but then the micro nutrients may be lost. Just go to your local DIY/Hardwear/Garden centre and get something less harsh. Or try Ebay, there's loads of nutes on there cheaper than in shops.
  8. crystalsanderas

    Noob Question - Why haven't My Seeds Germinated?

    @ del66666 :-( All three of those have crossed my mind. Suppose I'll give them another week and then decide.
  9. crystalsanderas

    Noob Question - Why haven't My Seeds Germinated?

    Yeah, was worried the towel would dry out as I work 10hr shifts.
  10. crystalsanderas

    When to Cut Leaves Off and When Not to?

    Cut em off. Make sure the thing you use to cut them off is clean.
  11. crystalsanderas

    Grow Bible?

    I learnt loads of stuff from the Greg Green one. Though there are a few bit's that are a bit out of date, was fun to read, informative and easy to follow. Not read the Jorge Cervantes book but have only heard good things.
  12. crystalsanderas

    Noob Question - Why haven't My Seeds Germinated?

    Sorry for the noobish question..... I have 3 Barney's Farm Blue Cheese seeds. Sewn in moist jiffy peat/coir pellets which are placed in seed and cutting compost, inside a heated propagator with a 125w 6800k cfl. They've been there for over a week and nothings happening:confused:. I had...
  13. crystalsanderas

    Please Help! Am I Ready to Crop. Pics Attached

    Yeah looks like they got a week or two yet. You're doing very well though.
  14. crystalsanderas

    First Time Grow - Using Seeds

    I use those coir/peat plug pellet things. You soak them in water and they swell up. I then put them in a seedling tray in a propagator with some extra compost around them to help them stay moist. Put the seed in and cover, water at least twice a day and wait. Get yourself a book, it's fun...
  15. crystalsanderas

    How is My Grow doing so far? Blueberry Kush and Strawberry Kush

    Love the ladybugs ;-) Well the plants don't look that bad. Yeah that one looks stunted but it should recover and you'll also remember not to feed too much next time. Just water them without nutes for a week or two. You could try adding a drop of superthrive to your water or buying some of that...