Recent content by CueTrott

  1. CueTrott


    yo change your picture. its under my name on google search
  2. CueTrott

    Burning Marijuana Fast

    Subscribe if you fuck with this.. Check out LIA's FACEBOOK, You wont be disapointed.
  3. CueTrott

    DUBz // NOT DUBSTEP!!/pages/DUBz/156035174409790?
  4. CueTrott

    Naw bro why?

    Naw bro why?
  5. CueTrott

    Attiude Seeds CAME IN!!!!!!!

    Your plants will probably be small considering your just germinating now..
  6. CueTrott

    Nasty Food ! Name the worst food.

    I wont eat anything that looks like it could kill me... basically all i eat is hot dogs, hamburgers, and cereal.
  7. CueTrott

    Simple Game...

    bananas ...
  8. CueTrott

    stinky soo soon

    Sounds like a lie to me.. Pix or it didn't happen...:)
  9. CueTrott

    A How to from Mane**(How To order seeds the best way)***

    oh ive seen 1 and ill edit my post in a min but it was in cardboard it was pretty legit.. EDIT: here it is looks crazy actually..
  10. CueTrott


    ...they are in some soilless soil and they are outside not in the direct sun all day. they actually look good and i was surprised by the results for outdoor cloning. I think i will just wait until they look like a good stable size before i put it out of the dome and into the wind and sun.
  11. CueTrott


    Ok so days previous to today my clones wern't looking so good and i noticed today they were actullay sticking up so i think they rooted and i was just wondering how long it would take before could take they out of the humidity dome and into a pot outside with the others... I was thinking i...
  12. CueTrott


    Ok, end of thread, i notice this was a dumb question to begin with becasue wild plants do have anyone to do sit for them... but hey.. if a mod gets to this plase close thread & if it doesn't get closed then please no one talk in here becasue it will be spam... /Closed :)
  13. CueTrott


    Think if I put a tv near with a porn movie on look they would make more seeds? Its worth a try right?
  14. CueTrott

    A How to from Mane**(How To order seeds the best way)***

    I didn't look througha ll pages but i looked through a few and was wondering what the stealth shipping was like, could someone post a pic of what their orders looked like?
  15. CueTrott

    Quick Question...

    well that basically just shit on my parade...