Recent content by Curbcalamitous

  1. C

    Someone please settle the debate on the correct size intake and exhaust

    (or pie times the radius squared - BEDMAS brackets exponents division multiplication addition) your way makes it way more complicated, plus its less useful information, he's clearly asking about an active intake and wants to know what % his intake fan should be of his exhaust fan.... also I'm...
  2. C

    Someone please settle the debate on the correct size intake and exhaust

    1/4-1/2 of the exhaust as intake when using active intake. as a rule of thumb. another uel of thumb is dont use active intake. theres a few exceptions. if you don't have mnore than one source of fresh air for example. but generally allow physics to do the work for you. its free.
  3. C

    ScrOG..Best time to stop tucking in flowering!

    6 weeks or fill 0.6m² is a kind time though
  4. C

    ScrOG..Best time to stop tucking in flowering!

    Well obviously, but how much square footage/meterage is it and how many plants? I run 1²
  5. C

    ScrOG..Best time to stop tucking in flowering!

    I can't seem to upload any images but let me put it this way. I can't fit my.canopy.inca single photo ;)
  6. C

    ScrOG..Best time to stop tucking in flowering!

    Pretty sure that's the question I asked. When they stop strrtching. But this just leaves smaller bud sites. I pre veg longer so don't get asuchcstretch Why won't my images upload hmmm..
  7. C

    ScrOG..Best time to stop tucking in flowering!

    but you're arent giving me any useful advice.or telling me anything at all. Like what are the fundenments you speak of? And I'm more.asking, hurt yield.if you tuck to long. Answer (from experience) pretty.kuch all tucking after flowering is insisted just to lower the head you...
  8. C

    Push or Pull through carbon scrubber

    i came up with the simillar idea on my own. took me a bit of experimenting to figure out the best way and since my vent output is very small i blow into the box not the filter, then suck out the filter and vent outside. this is because of the heat needing tobe vented outside. i originally used...
  9. C

    Push or Pull through carbon scrubber

    act actually that is optimal because high pressure goes to low pressure naturally so it actually just reduces the overall resistance of the filter and causes the air to be forced out, i find it uses the filter more evenly but your fans die alot faster, and good fans are expensive, filters are...
  10. C

    Is it possible to yield one-pound or more in a 10gal. Pot

    That's a bit over kill 600W will do per plant. Better have more lower wattage sources of light. Imo atleast. Use the extra 400w to suppliment with a CMH or something. A mix of light gives best results I find
  11. C

    Is it possible to yield one-pound or more in a 10gal. Pot

    Know this is old but pretty much everyone of my mates that grows achieves that. That's the goal atleast in my town. Lights are a 600W MH then. 600W hps per plant so 9 in a room with 9 plants so 1 per m² ina. Scrog. Need 50L or bigger pots think 15 galleon. DWC or standard hydroponics (soil...
  12. C

    I am going to cook a steak

    old as fuck threat but im a pprofessional so im going to post this anyway there is 2 ways to cook a steak. (if cooking rare/bleu remove from refridgerator atleast 30m prior to cooking) 1.get a csmoking hot pan, I literally mean it should be starting to smoke its that hot. 2. pour some oil over...
  13. C

    saw you ran a strawberry couch and mentioned she was finicky, ive got 5o f themany advice you...

    saw you ran a strawberry couch and mentioned she was finicky, ive got 5o f themany advice you could give me about teh strain?