Recent content by Cyphen

  1. C

    energy conspumption and heat question

    This question gets asked a dozen times a day... My computer uses more power than your lighting set up. Over zealous paranoia is much more dangerous than every day household appliances.
  2. C

    Morally Wrong?

    I think that judging the actions and intentions of others solely based off personal decisions that have absolutely nothing to do with those actions is the definition of morally bankrupt. Tell your friend she needs to grow up and deal with her very obvious moral faults before she begins to...
  3. C


  4. C


    You know everybody here is going to tell you that's not weed. But you'll never really know for sure until you smoke some of it will you? Now I'm not telling you to to anything stupid or dangerous or horrifically certain to land you in the hospital here. But all I'm saying is you should totally...
  5. C

    Does the seed matter

    No, it's not true. Growing environment determines to what level the plant con fulfill its genetic potential. Only genetics can determine the potential growth of the plant. Although to be fair, 75% of the shit weed out there is probably due to grower error, and bad seeds grown well will beat...
  6. C

    what do you do with hermaphrodites?

    Filled up with seedy, shitty bud producing hermaphrodites? Helluva plan you got there... As for the original question, get rid of them. Hermies are garbage and will pollute the genetics and ruin the crop of any plants they are around. If you're desperate, maybe you can prune back as many of...
  7. C

    cloning issue

    Where do you plan on getting a live stem without leaves, and why couldn't you just get one from the same plant that does have leaves? Admit it, you were just going to try and remoisten that dry piece of shit weren't you. And also no, none of your cloning dead shit plans are going to work...
  8. C

    Wanting to do mushrooms for the first time..

    Shrooms are dirt cheap, plus, you can't grow acid... Shroom trips are much better anyway. They're warmer, happier, and for me the visuals have always been much deeper and more beautiful. I've done both plenty of times, and I can't think of one good thing about acid that isn't better with...
  9. C

    Seedlings N a seed starter mix! ? about nutes.

    The serrated leaves mark the start of the vegetative stage (informally, for me anyway.. The whole thing is more of a gradual slide than a sudden transformation.) The small round leaves are called cotyledons. They are not actually leaves but leaf-like nutrient reserves that fuel the development...
  10. C

    what to do know.. need feedback

    2700K refers to the color of the light produced. 2700K is warm, 4100K is cool. I'm pretty sure Home Depot sells low wattage HPS bulbs for security lights. I can guarantee they'll be more expensive though. I've ordered from that site before, they're top shelf. The only reason I would buy from...
  11. C

    what to do know.. need feedback

    I assume you're dodgy about HPS because of cost issues. If that's the case, your best bet is going to be CFLs (cool white for vegging, warm for blooming.) Among the options I've seen, the lowest dollar to watt ratio is the 30w from this site: 30 Watt Compact Fluorescents Each bulb produces 2000...
  12. C

    what to do know.. need feedback

    Don't ask for help and act like a rude little shit when people give you advice. Those lights are NOT good enough, not even close. you need at least 2000 lumens per square foot. Can you understand that? Two THOUSAND, not two hundred. It's obvious from your comments you have no clue what you're...
  13. C


    You're fine. Assuming you have other verified females growing, toss it and save yourself the trouble. If hermies are all you've got, pinch what you can, harvest and smoke what you can, and throw away any seeds you find.
  14. C

    2nd grow!!

    Yup. Doin' fine.
  15. C

    germinating question?!!?! i think i let them germinate to much

    Shit, how long you been nursing them in those paper towels? Definitely plant them earlier next time, but I'm sure they'll still be fine. Bottom line, plants love to grow, and Cannabis in particular, is pretty damn obstinate in that regard. On an semi-related side note, I'd be damn interested...