Recent content by D.Hydr0.DGAF

  1. D.Hydr0.DGAF

    Big Momma

    How do I need a nap when someone comes on my thread and disrespects me? This shit is stupid. Calling a thread gay, that makes a lot of since but if it's so boring why take the time to read it and post? Will a mod close this, this is stupid. Sorry for making a boring and gay thread, I'll jus...
  2. D.Hydr0.DGAF

    Big Momma

    And I'm not in high school and get the fuck off my thread if this shit is "gay and boring." "Older cooler" people like you most get off talking shit about shit you don't know about.
  3. D.Hydr0.DGAF

    Big Momma

    Her and my dad used to grow "back in the day" I'm sure they won't bring any heat on me. She'd smoke a zip in like a week back when my dad worked all day and she smoked years ago. I've talked to her about growing and shit before getting information so she couldn't have been too surprised when she...
  4. D.Hydr0.DGAF

    Big Momma

    Also looks like they watch too much Lifetime. Not all women have people to gossip to. She has her two dogs (my mother) so I'm not worried about her telling anybody about it.
  5. D.Hydr0.DGAF

    Big Momma

    Dad smokes, mom quit when she was prego with my sister and I. She doesn't have any friends either. She worked but recently got laid off so she just sits home and chain smokes her cigarettes. There's a 2% chance cops would raid my house. It's far off the road and it's a little ass grow. Too much...
  6. D.Hydr0.DGAF

    Are you a solo toker?'ve

    I've been smoking for about six years and smoked 80% of it alone. My girl for the past year smoked whenever I do, but she's the first girlfriend of mine that's smoked. I love sitting alone and feeling the high hit me. Nothing better then to pack a phresh green bowl in the ol' water lamp and rip...
  7. D.Hydr0.DGAF

    Big Momma

    Not "somebody" knows, but she knows which isn't good but I figured she'd catch on to the smell or find it sooner or later. It was just a weird thing to talk about to my mom. She doesn't care though. She knows I smoke, so it's nothing new to her. And the "trouble" was meaning I'm growing in HER...
  8. D.Hydr0.DGAF

    Big Momma

    I got 2 babies goin' under some CFLs and my dad knows but my MOM knows now. Well after last night when she came into my room to shut my window and noticed a strange glow coming from my closet. I'm here during the days but crash at my girl's house so this morning I got a question. "So how long...
  9. D.Hydr0.DGAF

    First Harvest Ever! (CFL content inside)

    CFL Power! +Rep. I got 2 currently going with CFLs. I should have another 2 in a few days. But badass harvest! :weed:
  10. D.Hydr0.DGAF

    ~~mygirls~~ 4th grow grow journal

    Lookin' good bro.
  11. D.Hydr0.DGAF

    First Attempt CFL Closet Grow Shiva Skunk

    +Props, looks stanky! :weed:
  12. D.Hydr0.DGAF

    HighGrow Anybody?

    Here's day 26. I purned the 3 on the screen already. :weed:
  13. D.Hydr0.DGAF

    You all suck!

    How long you got? And don't smoke and try the drink. I learned the hard way.
  14. D.Hydr0.DGAF

    HighGrow Anybody?

    Anybody play HighGrow? I've been playing for about 30 days and have six 25 day old babies. I also have 4 babies going in my closet under two CFLs. I wanted to play the game before I got a few going and it's a pretty sweet game. Just wondering so we can show screen shots of current babies. :weed:
  15. D.Hydr0.DGAF

    My new Grow Box

    Nice out come. That should be perfect for one.