Recent content by dannyman613

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    Legal Recreational Cannabis Seeds are now available - OCS.CA

    I'm Excited to report that as of Jan. 4th Legal recreational cannabis seeds are now available for purchase on the OCS.CA store. This is significant because up until now even though recreational cannabis is legal to be grown at a limit of 4 plants per dwelling there has been no source for...
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    4 Months of Work in 6 Min - Growing Indoors Hydroponics RDWC

    Haha, There are a lot of moving parts I'm like brand new to this so it might look funny for someone who's really experienced. If you have any specific advice regarding something i could have done differently I'm listening :)
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    4 Months of Work in 6 Min - Growing Indoors Hydroponics RDWC

    I'll take notes and in my next video hopefully you won't have to see innocent seedlings suffer at the mercy of an immature grower lol.
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    4 Months of Work in 6 Min - Growing Indoors Hydroponics RDWC

    thank you sir I'm hoping to grow bigger and better next time haha ;)
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    4 Months of Work in 6 Min - Growing Indoors Hydroponics RDWC

    I love grateful grower! he is one of the people who inspired me to start growing. I really hope he starts posting again soon.
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    4 Months of Work in 6 Min - Growing Indoors Hydroponics RDWC

    probably from all the limes from the margaritas I like to make lol, next time I'm going to not use the default vents that come with the tent and make a filter box with ducting into the tent.
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    4 Months of Work in 6 Min - Growing Indoors Hydroponics RDWC

    Hey, I`m not sure I grew 5 seeds plus 2 bonus seeds from a company and one of the bonus seeds I sprouted was what made it to the final grow, the other 5 seeds; 3 didn`t sprout, and 2 had TMV so I threw them out. the other seed you see in the video is a Pink Kush which was sold as being...
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    4 Months of Work in 6 Min - Growing Indoors Hydroponics RDWC

    This was my first time ever growing with any sort of hydroponics and it was also my first time ever growing cannabis. I'm looking forward to my next grow, as I get better I plan on creating education content around growing cannabis properly and successfully. After all everyone wants to smoke...