Recent content by Dark union

  1. Dark union

    Ozonating water in hydroponic system.

    Come on people ! It's been weeks without answer :(
  2. Dark union

    Ozonating water in hydroponic system.

    Hello people, Searched for a while but couldn't find enough info on that subject. Can I use ozonator to enrich water in tank with ozone ? Some people saying it will not only kill all pathogens and bugs in water but also provide boost in O2 levels. :-| Any constructive advise ? :?:
  3. Dark union

    LED Closet grow room, leaves curling up.

    Hello there, Before I thought that watering every four hour was a bit too much and my watering cycles were a bit irregular :sad: Now I switched my timer back to 4 hours intervals and start spraying them a little. They do look slightly better but time will tell. I'm going to post more pictures...
  4. Dark union

    LED Closet grow room, leaves curling up.

    Hi again guys, LED is not too close and judging by temperature on very surface of UFO and other lights it's hardly possible. :? I read an article that sometimes if plant grows too quick it might develop slight curling in it's leaves. Regarding Epson salts, where can I buy them ? In Pharmacy ...
  5. Dark union

    LED Closet grow room, leaves curling up.

    Bottom level thermometer shows 24c, upper thermometer shows 26c :idea:
  6. Dark union

    LED Closet grow room, leaves curling up.

    Hello friends, Thank you spending time reading this and trying to help. :clap: Recently in the last 5 days some of my leaves slowly curling up. Plants look exceptionally healthy. Temperature is 24c, relative humidity 58%. Ph on average 5.8 and PPM 450. Any ideas why these leaves are curling up...
  7. Dark union

    Dutch Master nutrient calculator

    Another question out my ignorance. I understand that EC or PPM stands for electrical conductivity and number or particles in the water. So basically you measure how dense water is with nutes ? But what nutes ? If you add many, how would you know which one to add ? Or just add everything in same...
  8. Dark union

    Dutch Master nutrient calculator

    No I use tap water which is quite soft. How many time would you recommend to flood my egg and flow system ? 2-3 times at first and then increasing as plants grow ? Or every 15 min ? At the moment I'm germinating my seeds in rock wool cubes. Thank you so much for advise P.S Anyone else has...
  9. Dark union

    Dutch Master nutrient calculator

    Hello Earl, So you are saying that what ever is on website cut in half ? And what is RO ? Pardon my ignorance :?
  10. Dark union

    Dutch Master nutrient calculator

    Hello dear friends, Recently purchased complete hydroponic system with Dutch master nutes. Also after reading many posts decided to invest into these blue tracheon measuring rods to measure EC and PPM. Dutch master website offer nutes calculator...
  11. Dark union

    It is too cold in my grow room :(

    :lol: my grow closet is like 0.7m x 0.6m There are no space for small heater. Read few posts and some people recommend electrical blankets folded in half. Use little electricity and just laid under table or on the floor.
  12. Dark union

    PH kit from fish aquarium shop

    Hello dear friends, Few months ago I purchased PH kit from fish aquarium shop and seems to be it served me well in the past regulating water PH level. But I purchased hydroponics system and wonder if I can use my "fish" kit ;-) Many thanks
  13. Dark union

    It is too cold in my grow room :(

    Hello brothers, I need you advice again. I use CFL lights in my closet grow room, buy I have purchased new LED growing light which emits very little heat even comparing to my CFL. :sleep: With closed door my temperature stays at around 25C. After installing LED it very probably will drop below...
  14. Dark union

    Drying marijuana using dehumidifier

    Heya guys, Yes I understand. But what if I dry it like half way thought and do prolonged drying in a jar as curing ? Humidity is quite high at my place, even with dehumidifier is around 60% :-(
  15. Dark union

    Drying marijuana using dehumidifier

    Hello Fellow growers, I'm slowly approaching stage when I will need to dry my plants. But I realized that I have great dehumidifier in my flat. It has humidity control and it blows upwards with slightly warm air. So the question is this : do you think I could hang my plants above it, set...