Recent content by Decijuana

  1. D

    How many pots per plant should I use indoors?

    Yes, one plant per pot, yes I understand, but how many pots per plant, is my question, not how many plants per pot :) I was planning on using four pots per plant, starting small and working my way up the five gallon pots I have. But it would be easier if I could just go straight from a solo cups...
  2. D

    what to do after harvest to make butter

    The way that I was taught was to grind up the dried flowers and sugar leaves and put them into a frying pan with the butter at the lowest heat and then after about forty minutes your ground up buds and leaves should turn brown and then you take the frying pan off the heat and strain the butter...
  3. D

    How many pots per plant should I use indoors?

    Hi guys, this is my first post ever to the forum. I am just after starting an indie grow and my question is how many plants should I use per pot? Or should I just use one big pot for each plant? One time I lived in the USA and I bought Ed Rosenthal's book names closet cultivator. If I am...