Recent content by derr

  1. derr

    Trouble with plants outside

    Heres one plant today flowering nicely. Then other one as well.
  2. derr

    Trouble with plants outside

    Ya they were weird they went away after a while.
  3. derr

    Trouble with plants outside

    Weird thing about it is it's producing crystals way earlier then my other stuff that never had issues (different locations). It's just packing the trichomes on there
  4. derr

    Trouble with plants outside

    Update - I took care of the affected plants as best as I could and it took about two weeks of clenching my teeth. All the new growth died so I cut tje dried out dead parts. Just kept watching them and feeding keeping in mind there's still plenty of green leaves performing photo synthesis. One...
  5. derr

    Trouble with plants outside

    It's been two weeks since they sprayed and one week since the signs have shown. And my wife says she saw big barrels that were spraying on the back of the tractors I was at work so that's all I really know
  6. derr

    Trouble with plants outside

    Im not sure ive seen the signs in the past and he has seed corn right next to it so im assumimg its monsanto
  7. derr

    Trouble with plants outside

    I hope they come out of this. On a bright note, my other plants in a different location are doing amazing .
  8. derr

    Trouble with plants outside

    Heres how they look today. Not to good
  9. derr

    Trouble with plants outside

    Lots of shit storms .. bad weather. I'm eaitig another day to fully dry the soil then gonna feed the low dose mg . Basically all I can do. I also pulled my WW out her pot to check the roots..they look healthy a little bound but I've never had an issue like this from root bound. So I threw...
  10. derr

    Looking for opinions regarding yellowing leaves

    The bloom one is good when's the last time you gave it a feeding? Looks might you might be due. Doesn't look serious. They always lack nitrogen in flower because we give it less(also your buds don't really need it). As long as it has some your ok
  11. derr

    Looking for opinions regarding yellowing leaves

    Keep in mind you're early in flower so it need nitrogen for those leaves. If you were closer to finish I would say that's fine do nothing.
  12. derr

    Looking for opinions regarding yellowing leaves

    This one simply lacking in nitrogen. Even in flower they will need some. Just give it some feed with a low N because your in flower and you should be fine. You mentioned flower nutes. What's the npk of the one you are using.
  13. derr

    First time at 9 weeks flowering under led!

    Looking beautiful , how many watt is the light
  14. derr

    Trouble with plants outside

    I didn't flush them but today things are progressing to worse. Not sure how to stop this I have no way to test the ph at my disposal unfortunately.