Recent content by desertbloom

  1. desertbloom

    Jews control America

    Yes, yes, all jews are rich and cheap All muslims are terrorists. All Christians act like Jesus. All Asians are smart. All Hispanics are in the US illegally. All blacks are stupid and lazy All people that think shit like Medicine Man are assholes (oh wait. That one's true)
  2. desertbloom

    Marijuana Seeds

    I'd put in my 2 cents, for what it's worth. It's not an endorsement of any vendor mentioned or the quality of their product. I ordered from BC Bud in Aug of '07 and got my order 2-3 weeks later. For some reason, the order was duplicated a month later and I wasn't charged again. Of the 15 seeds...
  3. desertbloom

    From flower to grow and back to flower?

    Thanks, but is there any benefit or detrement to more dark than light say 15 hrs dark and 9 hrs light ?
  4. desertbloom

    From flower to grow and back to flower?

    I'm worried I screwed up my lighting schedule and my plants. I had been flowering 2 plants under 400 watt HPS 12/12 for 6 weeks and things were going great. I needed more time for maintenence so I had the brilliant idea to change my lighing to 15 hrs light and 9 hrs dark. After about a week and...
  5. desertbloom

    fdd's flavor of the week

    Great thread FDD! Someone should think about packaging a connoisseur's assortment!
  6. desertbloom

    Harvest Day Black Domina

    Excellent looking bud, man, and after only 45 days days flowering. I'm going into week 8 of HPS 12/12 with Afgan and can't get the buds to tighten up like that. Your trics are incredible. Even the pics look sweet and sticky. Good Job!
  7. desertbloom

    Please help identifying this problem

    Hi This is a hydroponic drip system under 12/12 HPS. Full indoor grow in an area with few to no insects. Inspection shows no infestation. The nutes being used are FloraNova Bloom, Cool Bloom and Floralicious + and 5 oz of 3% H2O2 is added daily to a 12 gallon reservour. This problem has been...
  8. desertbloom

    Clearex and flushing

    Hey, I'm using a hydroponic system I'm about 2 weeks from harvest and I'm planning a ClearX flush a few days before. I'd like to clip the Colas first and then give a couple more weeks for the bottom buds ripen. Has anyone done a flush, partial harvest then drain and re-nute? Would the...
  9. desertbloom

    New system design. Does it suck?

    Holy Shit, Industrial farming. Well, I guess if it's ever decriminalized, he'll be sitting pretty. I just wanted to stop spending 400 a month for products of varying quality and availability. Right now I'm upside down on the cost to benefit ratio but I'm expecting that to change soon
  10. desertbloom

    New system design. Does it suck?

    Risky business. I wonder which offense carries more jail time?
  11. desertbloom

    New system design. Does it suck?

    In this instance, I miss my cool Long Island basement, but I imagine the damp would have brought with it a whole different set of problems. I'll give you a stone, just make sure you hit him! I'm still debating whether to shut down June thru October when outside hits 105 or better but humdiity...
  12. desertbloom

    New system design. Does it suck?

    I'm pretty much off the "new design" thing. To many unknowns. I'm leaning more toward modifying the existing system similar to yours. You do however got me thinking about increasing the size of my tub
  13. desertbloom

    New system design. Does it suck?

    LOL, Now that sounds like a used car salesmen ! I find that most of the heat in the water come from the pump. Where do you try to keep your water temp?
  14. desertbloom

    New system design. Does it suck?

    From your description and your pictures, your system seems to be a cross between hydro and aero. You have a large space for air between your lid and the nutes, but you have a substantial nute depth. Would you say that's true? With the aero systems I've looked at, the roots are not submerged...
  15. desertbloom

    New system design. Does it suck?

    My biggest battle is temperature control in both room and water. Such is life in the desert.