Recent content by Diabolique

  1. D

    New bill passed by Congress! Worse than the Patriot Act! Rights being taken away!

    It could very well throw out the first. I guess only time will tell.
  2. D

    New bill passed by Congress! Worse than the Patriot Act! Rights being taken away! It's pretty long, so I'll just cut and paste a few things that stuck out to me. You can read the full context of the bill in the link I provided. (2) VIOLENT RADICALIZATION- The term ..violent radicalization' means the process of...
  3. D

    Stem Rot?

    Is there any way to stop that? Should I remove some plants? Do the roots need more room?
  4. D

    Stem Rot?

    I'm using an Aerogarden. The plants seem to be insanely healthy. They're growing at an amazing rate. The stems just don't look that great. I'll just keep an eye on it. Thank you for your input. <3
  5. D

    Stem Rot?

    I noticed this brownish/greyish stuff on the base of a few of my plants. Sorry for the poor quality. I just started seeing that it seems to be eating away at the stem and it's making them weaker. Does anyone know what causes this? Is there anything I can do to fix or stop it?
  6. D

    The AeroGarden

    I've got a ton of seeds. I just got the empty pods from Mr FedEx today, and planted my germinated seeds immediatly. Then I just got 13 more seeds! Thankfully, I have 3 Aerogardens. Started germinated those lucky 13 tonight. I can't wait to see how they start to grow! I'm so giddy. :mrgreen:
  7. D

    Over Throw

    Here fuckin' here!
  8. D

    Question about seeds

    I don't know where I should post this. I plan on buying seeds from Dr Chronic over the next day or two. I live in the US. I know they ship here. My brother says it's a federal offense, and I say it's just a misdemeanor. I'm pretty comfortable with buying the seeds regardless of the laws...
  9. D

    F%$#(*g Pissed

    I dont know much, but I thought you just supposed to submerge the roots. Am I wrong?
  10. D

    Hey Everyone!

    I found this forum the other day when I was googling "Aerogarden, Marijuana". I'm so glad I did! I've been a social smoker for the past 12 years or so. Now I'm a mom and I need my..... relax time. I hate being without my ganja, and my dad is having the same problem, so we decided to...
  11. D

    Some Baaad News

    Man. That's gotta suck. My dad and I are going in on this together. He's buying everything, and I'm taking care of them. I just need to find a place, or a way from keeping the plants out of my sons reach.
  12. D

    Marijuana Seeds

    Okay. Let me rephrase this.. What do you guys recommend for first time growers in the US? Who ships to the US, and how should I have them shipped? Does Dr Chronic have a website? I've currently got two seeds that my bro found for me. I think they came from some medicinal herb. Do...
  13. D

    Aerogarden first grow

    Did you do anything to the medium before putting the seeds in? Like soaking them in water? I just ordered pods for my Aerogarden online, and I don't know if I should do anything before setting the seeds in.