Recent content by dinobelly

  1. dinobelly

    4'x5' window light proof vent BAM!
  2. dinobelly

    Marijuana seeds on Ebay???

  3. dinobelly

    Fdd2blk Spring Glass Showcase

    **giggle** bongsmilie
  4. dinobelly

    can police get a warrant for smell?

    The smell can be probable cause to get a warrant.
  5. dinobelly

    Fdd2blk Spring Glass Showcase

    That latest bubbler is SICKENING. Beautiful work Fdd
  6. dinobelly

    My Neighbor's House Is For Sale $199k

    I hear people bitch about California all the time..... But the ones bitching have never lived there, nor been there...... sounds more like jealousy to me.
  7. dinobelly

    My homemade ez cloner

    As far as the neoprene goes, you can go to your local Mao*Mart and get anything made of that material......... garden kneeling pads are pretty inexpensive, as are "pool noodles" - cut to size, and you're good to go. Those EZ-Clone neoprene collars do work well, and I've purchased them before...
  8. dinobelly

    I have a new record BUD!! Bubbleponics White Widow x Big Bud

    Should have let it go another 2-3 weeks before you chopped. They really pack crystal weight on around week 9-10.
  9. dinobelly

    Can I Make Cannabutter With A Male Plant?

    Absolutely. Get yourself a big tub of Country Crock and toss that and the entire plant (roots & all) into a Cuisinart and pulse for about 45 seconds. Spread it on your toast in the morning and hold on tight.
  10. dinobelly

    Blowin' glass on my new mirage - WINTER 2010/11

    that little bud vase is bacon cheese titties - by chance is there space in the bottom for a small airstone? lol that'd be the coolest little cloner ever
  11. dinobelly

    Easy way to own a house ???

    Yup. Thank you patriot act & dubya.
  12. dinobelly

    Easy way to own a house ???

    ^^^^^What he said - you don't want the gov't in your life EVER - once you've raised those red flags and they investigate, even if they don't nab you on anything the first time, they're going to be bosom buddies with your name and information for a while. Just stay low key.
  13. dinobelly

    Blowin' glass on my new mirage - WINTER 2010/11

    I'd give two bills for that pipe FDD, esp. if it included a driftwood stand. And I'm a cheap bastard. I'd be very very interested in a larger version of that honey dish. Perhaps 4-6" in diameter - just big enough to break up some small amounts of bud on. I really like the simplicity of that...
  14. dinobelly

    Best Place to Grow: Humboldt, Oakland, Sebastopol, Santa Cruz or Redding?

    Cultivator's license? What is this witchcraft you speak of?