Recent content by dirtykidsnation

  1. dirtykidsnation

    Top 5 Artists On Your Ipod or Music Player?

    I'm stoned! You expect me to think beyond the first 20 seconds of a post like this? :P
  2. dirtykidsnation

    Top 5 Artists On Your Ipod or Music Player?

    Dude, I listen to a variety of music. X_x If I could, DJ Caffeine and Paul Oakenfield would have been on there to. :P
  3. dirtykidsnation

    Top 5 Artists On Your Ipod or Music Player?

    Kickass for diversity. :P
  4. dirtykidsnation

    Top 5 Artists On Your Ipod or Music Player?

    So, this is a thread to see what you think your top 5 artists on your ipod or music player, or whatever you have are. I'll go ahead and start us up 1) Rise Against/Lil Wayne 2) Bob Marley 3) Papa Roach 4) Slightly Stoopid 5) Damian Marley Those arists are sick as hell. I cheated and...
  5. dirtykidsnation

    A Good Deed!

    Hey man, mary jane helps me realize when bad shit happens, to just let it roll. I mean, the day my bike got stolen, I rolled a jay, smoked it and smiled. The person who stole it must have needed it more then me. I mean I wish they hadn't, but whatever, I'm not gonna get mad over it.
  6. dirtykidsnation

    A Good Deed!

    Well, the other day I went to a friends house, one who has the same interest as me! Growing Marijuana, and to become one of the people who grow spectacular marijuana. Anyways, it had rained the other day and low and behold, his book had been left outside! I see this, and me having my copy in the...
  7. dirtykidsnation

    Transplanting Celtic Hash strain...

    If you have a fan in the room, turn it's setting down. If little buckets of water aren't enough, get one with more width then depth. Put it close to the lights or plants. You can tell when you have to much humidity when you start to see little droplets of water forming on the leaves of your...
  8. dirtykidsnation

    Transplanting Celtic Hash strain...

    Alright, as for your CO2 question, mainly people use it only when they start flowering because they want their buds to grow nice and dense. CO2 is mainly used only for flowering, cause thats when a difference really shows. :P
  9. dirtykidsnation

    How Strong of a Pump?

    Well, including from the tank to the tray, about I'd say 2.5 ft max high. Now that I think about it, it's not the amount of water being pumped but how high! Lol! Sorry, uber stoned at the moment. Anywho! yes, about 2.5ft max is the height it will have to pump water from the reservoir.
  10. dirtykidsnation

    How Strong of a Pump?

    How strong of a pump might I need for a flood and drain table the length of 2.5ft wide and 6 ft long? Well, what is the minimal needed? I will not be purchasing it, but I want to know how far down I can go before I would have to worry about its capabilities?
  11. dirtykidsnation

    Plants producing water droplets

    Your plants are transpiring, but the water is going no where, so it collects on the leaves. So yeah, like Mr. Fishy said, up the circulation and it should help solve the problem. If that doesn't work, then you need to find a way to bring the humidity down in your room. Hope this helps. :P
  12. dirtykidsnation

    Transplanting Celtic Hash strain...

    Alright, well first of all, I love the name of the plant...Celtic Hash. I'm irish and scottish so it just makes me smile to hear that name. Alright, enough babbling, down to buisness. 1: Temp shock, I can't answer you on that one, but I think as long as you have room temp water and you keep...
  13. dirtykidsnation

    Transplanting Celtic Hash strain...

    Well, what type of container are you using? You should water it until you see a bit of water drip out of the bottom of the container. Transplating? How old are the plants? Normally people wait to see nutrient def on the edges of their plants before they begin to add any type of nutrients to the...
  14. dirtykidsnation

    Where to pick up Rye Seed?

    Anyone know any large supply store like Target, Wal-Greens,safeway, or anything that carries Rye seed by chance? I've been looking around and am having the worst time finding them.
  15. dirtykidsnation

    Just started

    flowering, wish me luck on my white berries.