Recent content by ditrbag1

  1. D

    Landlord coming into my apartment

    I have experience on both sides, as a renter and Landlord, technically speaking you can grow in your rented place like Bigmanc is saying. However, if said tennant breaches lease/rental contract, by alteration to the property, the renter will be on the hook for repair/restoration, to bring the...
  2. D

    Harper Government Announces New Medical Marihuana Regualtions June 19, 2013

    The last several posts re: power and corruption etc... are exactly why I am not going to entertain any of this licensed producer madness, it's just more "sand in the vaseline" that the government is fucking us with, am I going to bend over backwards, spend a ton of cash to be able to produce...
  3. D

    new maximum amounts with new regulations

    This bullshit is nothing new, it's THE classic federal government move to frustrate the common person into doing Nothing, and making the process of application pretty much too exclusive/costly for the majority of applicants. I completely agree that a class action is definitely worth the effort...
  4. D

    Harper Government Announces New Medical Marihuana Regualtions June 19, 2013

    Fuck this government, NO LAWS FOR OUTLAWS,
  5. D

    Growing inside a shipping container with an open framed ceiling - DG allowed???

    sorry Buckets, I was heavily medicated before bed, when I posted my last comment. Re: the snow fence, I don't know where in the country you are, but in AB I got it from a store called Peavey mart, it's a farm supply store, they would also have your solar/battery powered elec. fence. I would...
  6. D

    quick way to dry 2 freezer bags of trim??

    Yep, its probably dry now depending on relative humidity and air movement, good luck man.
  7. D

    License deadline?

    $525 is what I paid, I heard talk on another thread, dude was offered a bigger daily amount if he paid more $
  8. D

    Growing inside a shipping container with an open framed ceiling - DG allowed???

    NP, Buckets, green snow fence works awesome, but it's expensive for big areas.
  9. D

    Growing inside a shipping container with an open framed ceiling - DG allowed???

    Buckets; shop around for those sea cans (shipping container). They're sold through several people before they get to you, (just like black market cannabis). So you might get lucky if you find a company closer to the source, alot of shipping companies will sell them directly, as opposed to the...
  10. D

    where to find strong air pumps?

    The Ecoplus pumps are really loud, I couldnt believe it when I fired up my new one, I called the store and asked if they maybe carried some kind of silencer box. I heard from someone that these pumps are...
  11. D

    where can i get a concentrate press mould in canada

    That site does look shady, a person could have a machine shop or welding shop make you one, the press on the site was pretty simple, and just looks to be powdercoated steel. I did seee a clip in a strain hunters film where they were in India, and a dude was pressing hash, they lined the mold...
  12. D

    mmar outdoor rules?

    HC told me they figure a building that can't be easily moved would be classed as indoor, I asked him outright about a greenhouse, and that's what they told me, but it does leave alot to interpretation, especially if you had some asshole cops on your case.
  13. D

    How long are people waiting for to get their permits from H/C?

    got mine in 2012, about 14 weeks from doc interview to papers in my hand
  14. D

    Barrister & Solicitor Appeal for funding to fight for us for personal Growing URGENT

    I'll be donating very shortly, this is EXTREMELY important that as many of us get behind this as possible. I believe that every effort has to be made stop the conservative government from implementing their proposed MMAP program, and sadly enough, I feel that our current government is more...