Recent content by DJmick

  1. DJmick

    Online marijuana guides.

    Can anyone suggest a really good online marijuana guide? I found this one. at A Smokers Guide to Amsterdam, marijuana, cannabis and drug guide. which is excellent with pictures and taste test but according to it all the smoke is awesome so it can't be 100 percent honest. Any suggestions?
  2. DJmick

    Sativa's - Arjans Ultra Haze 2#

    I used a 3 gallon pot flowered 14 weeks with 240 watts of flurecents it was 5'6 inches tall including the pot. Next time I will flower with a 400 watt hp sodium as hazes need alot of light.
  3. DJmick

    Your First Joint

    i think thats the best story i have ever heard:mrgreen: Thank you! Urinmyrice
  4. DJmick

    Your favourite drug movies

    Where the Buffalo Roam, with Bill Murray. The original Hunter S Thompson movie.
  5. DJmick

    can u water with bong water?

    If I drink blood will I grow taller and faster?
  6. DJmick

    Out of papes...

    Hollow out an apple at 12 o clock and 3 oclock ( top and side) until the holes meet. put foil on the 12 0clock hole and make a bunch of pin pricks for the screen. not only is a great makeshift pipe but the smoke taste awesome as well.
  7. DJmick

    New Jersey,nevada,hawaii,kentucky, And Florida. Read!!!!!!

    Hmmmm, A libertarian in republican clothing. I like it!
  8. DJmick

    Chick Status!!!

    What does it matter?. We are online and some people would lie about their gender anyway. Like tuck their penis inbetween their legs and take a picture. (It has happend) It puts the lotion on the skin.....
  9. DJmick


    I thinik he means give them nothing but pure water for the last 8 days.
  10. DJmick


    If your roomates do not have no business growing.
  11. DJmick

    Name This Strain

    I'm pretty sure it's dope.
  12. DJmick

    Ordering online

    Soil? Fox Farm sea mix or Black Gold.
  13. DJmick

    Germinating a seed in my mouth

    Actually it is a Bullmastiff his full grown picture is in my personal file. His name is Scully and no he's not the wife but he is much cheaper to feed.
  14. DJmick

    Your favourite drug movies

    Oh you mean about drugs. (slaps forehead) Cheech and Chong Up in Smoke
  15. DJmick

    Your favourite drug movies

    Heavy Metal, American Pop, and of course for those of us who like sativas, The Happy Tree Friends DVD