Recent content by Dlgrow

  1. Dlgrow

    Leaf droop

    The leaves feel really thin when you rub them between your fingers, something I have read about when it comes to underwatering.
  2. Dlgrow

    Leaf droop

    this is the amount of water they have been getting (1 gallon pots) i get hardly any run off, watering every 2-3 days The last 2 waterings have been about half of that Underwatering? What do you think?
  3. Dlgrow

    Leaf droop

    So i posted these plants about a week ago and was told there's a fungal issue going on. Here's a link v I got some dyna gro protekt coming in the mail tomorrow im gonna use in a foliar to help combat that. But I need help on...
  4. Dlgrow

    Can I use a wardrobe as a grow box?

    If you have to use the wardrobe, go with the upright option. Especially if you are buying an led light. Led lighting needs to be atleast a foot away from your tops during flowering or your gonna end up with bleached buds. That leaves you with 1&1/2 ft of growing space and your autoflower is...
  5. Dlgrow

    What causes this? Deficiency? Fungus?

    Thank you for taking your time to provide me with such helpful advice! It 's very much appreciated :clap: Isn't there a way to give rep on here? I still haven't found it yet lol
  6. Dlgrow

    What causes this? Deficiency? Fungus?

    No meter, but I lift the pots to get a feel of the weight and I use the method of sticking my finger in the soil about an inch down. I don't water if the top inch feels wet and will even hold off watering a little longer if what's below the first inch feels wet too. I always did this with Fox...
  7. Dlgrow

    What causes this? Deficiency? Fungus?

    I got an inline running 24/7 and oscillating fan to strengthen the branches. Or do you mean oxygen in the root zone?
  8. Dlgrow

    What causes this? Deficiency? Fungus?

    I've been letting them dry out pretty good between each watering and only giving a little less than half of an average water bottle (they're in 1 gal pots) & they've been drinking it up, watering every 2 to 3 days. Both plants getting the same amount of water, but one's droopy & the other one...
  9. Dlgrow

    What causes this? Deficiency? Fungus?

    That's good to know, and a heavy weight lifted off my shoulders for sure. And good looking out on the foliar spray with potassium silicate. I'm ordering some silica online and considering Advanced Nutrients rhino skin or NPK Industries RAW silica.
  10. Dlgrow

    What causes this? Deficiency? Fungus?

    Thanks for the speedy reply! I just removed the first true leaves and the 3 fingered leaves that were a node above. I left the top 2 nodes (out of 4) leaves on to monitor in the meantime. Could this shit spread to my other healthy plant? I had the plants close together earlier and they were...
  11. Dlgrow

    What causes this? Deficiency? Fungus?

    I always get this problem. Starts with the first true leaves turning brown at the tips and then becoming crispy and brittle, then spreading upwards throughout the plant. Usually appears after stretch to around mid flower, but this star pupil x goji og is showing it after only a month of growth...
  12. Dlgrow

    Best song ever

  13. Dlgrow

    Best song ever

    Pulse concert 1994, 4:56 to the end is one of the best guitar performances of all time
  14. Dlgrow

    Nitrogen Toxicity or Over watering?

    I would wait at least a week, before adding any nutes and when you do give them a lot less than the recommended amount. If you're running fox farm's nutrient line, it isn't hard to burn em with the grow big, so I would start small working up to 1/4, then 1/2 of the recommended dosage on the...