Recent content by DocBud

  1. D

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Huh. Is this thread dead?
  2. D

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Well, actually that amount of soil will grow 12 plants. I'm doing it right now, using 9x9 pots. The nutrients will grow about 120 plants....for 20 bucks. It's not really organic. Osmocote is a resin coated controlled release fertilizer. But the taste of dirt grown weed is not bat poop on...
  3. D

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    I might have more knowledge than you's hard to tell from just a single post. However, I do apologize for being a little snotty with my response. I've done hydro....and did it very well. It was a pain in the ass and was very expensive. If you have the right set up, have a big...
  4. D

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    You might not think I am being helpful...but I am. Fact: soil weed tastes better fact: soil is a more forgiving medium fact: soil is less expensive, especially if you use high quality non-cannabis nutrients In other words: Good soil, water, a couple simple nutrients.....and you're good to go...
  5. D

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    I've never had tomatoes grown via flood table. Mine always grow in the dirt. Why not scrap all that and grow in some nice soil, with some nice, sensible nutrients that cost like 10 bucks a year?
  6. D

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    On my current grow cycle, I used much less perlite in my soil mix than I usually do. I usually use about 30% perlite....this time i used the soil right out of the bag, because it already had perlite in it, and people I trust told me not to add more. So, I water when the pots are light.....but...
  7. D

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Wow. I just learned something. Overwatering can cause the lower leaves to yellow and fall off? I did not know that. Is this from nitrogen leeching?
  8. D

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Well, first of all, I recommended the soap as a surfactant....not a miticide. So, please don't use it as a miticide. It won't work that way. Second.....a product like Floramite doesn't kill all won't hurt ladybugs and predator mites. It isn't that dangerous if used correctly...
  9. D

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    I've never lost a battle to mites....have had 'em twice, first time due to hot, arid weather. They probably snuck in when I opened the door to the grow room.....the most recent time, 2 weeks ago....because the clones I got were infested. I've not used Malathion, but I do understand mites...
  10. D

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Hey bro....while waiting for UB to jump in, have you read the first 5 or 6 pages of this thread? The answer is that you over fed them and you have nutrient burn, and there may be some damage from the mites....which are hopefully dead. I doubt they're all dead, be on the lookout...
  11. D

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

  12. D

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    If Malathion was lethal to plants....UB would not have recommended it. He's a crustly old bastard, who is guilty of many, many sins.....but he's never told anyone to go out and kill their plants. I knew Malathion was good for white flies....but I did not know it would work on mites. I have...
  13. D

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Well, they're healthy now....and I'm diluting the well water with RO to get the TA down to about 100. The well water is over 600...not sure how high because I stopped testing it at that point. I feel that's just too high! The plants are freakin' gorgeous, and I don't want to change anything...
  14. D

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    High UB! The soil I'm using was mixed up at my last grow location, where the TA wasn't this high. We tested the well water, and everything was OK....but it changed, got a lot harder. The soil had some lime mixed in, and combined with the very hard water, I was worried. I really appreciate...
  15. D

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Yup. I knew that.....but I grow with Osmocote Plus with good soil in some pots, and custom organic soil in others. I don't use WSF's. I've dealt with the problem by mixing with RO and Ph'ing down to 5.8....that lowers the TA to about 60, which is acceptable. I would use some sulfur, but I'm...