Recent content by Doodle_

  1. D

    Should I stop smoking or smoke less?

    The reason I'm asking for advice is I'm not yet sure what my body really says. Listening to the opinions and experiences of other helps understand that. I'm not going to take the responses literally but anecdotal advice helps formulate a full decision. I do appreciate everyone's responce and it...
  2. D

    Should I stop smoking or smoke less?

    I agree, I will make my own choice, advice helps though.
  3. D

    Should I stop smoking or smoke less?

    I have a Pax 2
  4. D

    Should I stop smoking or smoke less?

    I have a decent vape, sorry, I'm so used to saking "smoke" as a all around term. yeah that .5 will last a good 2-3 seshes. I guess if I were actually smoking I'd be in the 1-2g range
  5. D

    Should I stop smoking or smoke less?

    a tiny dose for you is a big dose for me. I was smoking weed before I was on medication and had the same effect.
  6. D

    Should I stop smoking or smoke less?

    I think psychedelics would scare me. Too much weed scares me. I'm a wet noodle.
  7. D

    Should I stop smoking or smoke less?

    oh, no. It's mild compared to other substances. I stopped drinking altogether after going through alcohol withdrawal, cannabis however I'm on the fence wether the good outweighs the bad for me.
  8. D

    Should I stop smoking or smoke less?

    Mental issues do indeed suck, Cannabis helps me a lot and I really don't want to stop but I fear I may have to.
  9. D

    Should I stop smoking or smoke less?

    I love weed, I prefer to alcohol and I love all the benefits it gives me, there is one big negative issue though. I have no issues when I'm smoking but as soon as I stop for a T-break I get horrible withdrawal depression for a few weeks. It stops me in my tracks, I'm unable to really function...