Recent content by doublejj

  1. doublejj

    President Musk

    Trump freezes $1 billion in food aid given to local schools and food banks to help low-income families The Trump administration reportedly said it had determined this funding ‘no longer effectuates agency priorities...
  2. doublejj

    President Musk

    if republicans really care about kids would they continually cancel school lunch funding?
  3. doublejj

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    I drive a Prius...;)
  4. doublejj

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    This is why Americans Big Oil oligarths have always opposed highspeed rail in the US. The reason we don't have a high speed rail system. "Drill baby drill" is the republican answer to railroad investment.
  5. doublejj

    President Musk

    In book, Romney charges ‘a very large portion of’ the GOP ‘doesn’t believe in the Constitution’ Shortly after Romney announced his retirement, McKay Coppins, a staff writer for the magazine The Atlantic, published the first excerpt of a biography he had begun working on in which the Utah...
  6. doublejj

    President Musk

    So all you pearl clutching about "Taking a life is murder" is just a bunch of BS. OK so you keep 2 sets of books, one for me and one for thee.
  7. doublejj

    President Musk

    That's a DR's and patient decission....not some politician. Please stay out of my bedroom and Dr office. You know "Keep your hands off my body"
  8. doublejj

    President Musk

    Murdering women by withholding proper medical care = the republican way
  9. doublejj

    President Musk

    so you don't believe in capitol punishment....good
  10. doublejj

    President Musk

    so were no longer the "United States"? Some red states might like to revisit slavery is that OK with you?
  11. doublejj

    President Musk

    politicans and preachers are dictating what drs can do for a womans health. That's not my definition of proper health care
  12. doublejj

    President Musk

    'Frightening': Texas Ob-Gyn on new abortion law Dr. Andrea Palmer, a practicing Ob-Gyn in Texas, says she's worried about the mental health of her patients who have been forced to travel out of state for abortion care. She's also concerned Texas' abortion law will have long-term consequences for...
  13. doublejj

    President Musk

    SALT LAKE CITY — As some women have problems finding an OB-GYN in Utah, it appears doctors are avoiding the state, and others like it, due to policies related to women's healthcare, specifically abortion restrictions...
  14. doublejj

    President Musk

    The stuff dr's learn in college....not the stuff politicans or preachers think