Recent content by Dougs Nugs

  1. Dougs Nugs

    Botritys on branches - Help!

    This is why I went to bean basement...have fun ladies
  2. Dougs Nugs

    Botritys on branches - Help!

    Thanks for the in depth I sight, lots of what I researxhed / read had similar suggestions with potassium silicate - So far it's minimal but I know I need to get ahead Creating new wounds isn't ideal as spores will jump to new wound sites unless the plants are extremely healthy...avoiding any...
  3. Dougs Nugs

    Botritys on branches - Help!

    Thanks for the in depth I sight, lots of what I researxhed / read had similar suggestions with potassium silicate - So far it's minimal but I know I need to get ahead
  4. Dougs Nugs

    Botritys on branches - Help!

    I removed several sections like this and even a large main center stem that had a cut infected...any treatment options welcome. Please help.
  5. Dougs Nugs

    HLG 550v2 - VS - Alibaba light

    Bwahaha trollllllllll
  6. Dougs Nugs

    HLG 550v2 - VS - Alibaba light

    what a tool
  7. Dougs Nugs

    HLG 550v2 - VS - Alibaba light

    Killing it.
  8. Dougs Nugs

    Indoor v1.6 - Sunset Sherbet - Bannana OG

    Figured I'd squeeze one last cycle jn before the weather turned. I'll be running- Bannana OG Sunset Sherbet Strawberry Wine ( homemade cross ) Venom OG
  9. Dougs Nugs

    HLG 550v2 - VS - Alibaba light

    I’m pretty stoked on part of my room upgrade before my next run - the table on the right is set up using floraflex - pretty dope system. Hoping to flower mid of Jan when the left table is converted as well. Happy Growing Doug
  10. Dougs Nugs

    HLG 550v2 - VS - Alibaba light

    That’s great to hear - I have no cimplants whatso ever. Side by side the quality is there - density - trichomes density. For people trying to save $300 per light this adds up quickly. Thanks for tuning in. Dry weight was 432 grams of medicine Happy Growing Doug
  11. Dougs Nugs

    HLG 550v2 - VS - Alibaba light

    quick photo prior to the fan leaf stripping outside before being moved for more darkness in the drying area. Happy Growing Doug
  12. Dougs Nugs

    HLG 550v2 - VS - Alibaba light

    Well still waiting on drying before I begin my trim. As I stated above -based on bud looks alone you can’t tell the difference unless you look at the plant tags....Stoked to set up my next run this weekend, went and upgraded my feeding system to a floraflex set up. Pretty stoked to say the...
  13. Dougs Nugs

    HLG 550v2 - VS - Alibaba light

    The shipping got to the US in 4 days...I have the lm301B plus 660nm red diodes. I’ll dig up the model when I have time but the key is Meiju brand they ship fast and are great customer service. Happy Growing Doug
  14. Dougs Nugs

    HLG 550v2 - VS - Alibaba light

    Here’s the Alibaba version of the HLG 550 v2 keeping my mothers thriving just before cutting time....while dimmed down to 50% ( dark cycle shown ) Happy Growing Doug
  15. Dougs Nugs

    HLG 550v2 - VS - Alibaba light

    the alibaba lights product...JUST as good as the HLG light.... Not surprised. Dry weight to come and much better photos lol Happy Growing Doug