Recent content by Dr.treethumb

  1. D

    Is the Market crashing everywhere?

    So the market changes a bit and your first thought is to screw over your patients in the name of profit? Maybe just stop and get a different career.
  2. D

    Yellow tips and some curling

    Just wondering what this could be and how I could fix it Cloth pots 3-gallon Peat moss, perlite, charlies coop poop 1--1--1 6.8-7.0 ph 5-30-20 every other water 5 days between water 3rd week of flower Strain:unknown
  3. D

    So many problems. Very little progress.

    That was labeled from when I first bought and calibrated the electric ph meter
  4. D

    So many problems. Very little progress.

    Unfortunately your 100% correct with this plant I've been so overwhelmed with losing the others spending alot of money to try to grow while still paying to buy because I haven't had success I thought I was keeping it as simple as possible by choosing soil I wouldn't have to feed I really don't...
  5. D

    So many problems. Very little progress.

    I've read and watched and asked and talked but i still am having so much trouble
  6. D

    So many problems. Very little progress.

    After killing 3 in my tent yes Im very overwhelmed and am becoming discouraged
  7. D

    So many problems. Very little progress.

    Ocean forest says it's good for 3 months should I already be feeding it? Also it's autoflower, I just really don't know what I'm doing and am draining money fast
  8. D

    So many problems. Very little progress.

    Thats depressing. I've been at this since January and I've straight out killed 3 plants already
  9. D

    So many problems. Very little progress.

    I haven't found a way to keep my temps closer than 8-10 degrees when the lights change how high should the temps be
  10. D

    So many problems. Very little progress.

    I've been paying around $100 in electric with a little space heater is and oil heater much better?
  11. D

    So many problems. Very little progress.

    No extraction fan it lowers my temp too much and it's vivosun brand light
  12. D

    So many problems. Very little progress.

    To be honest I don't know here's a picture of the tag on the light
  13. D

    So many problems. Very little progress.

    No added heat humidity stays 50-60 600w led 3 gallon cloth pot Not sure what extraction or ff means