Recent content by Dradden

  1. Dradden

    Growroom Electrical Guide

    Great info and I will make some changes/additions on the guide based on what you have said here, thanks! There is a disclaimer at the bottom of the guide, but I might move it to the top so it actually gets read before people jump in. Appreciate you taking the time to post and share your...
  2. Dradden

    Growroom Electrical Guide

    Quite obvious you guys really know your stuff. I used to build semi truck-trailers (logging and flatdecks) I was the "electrical guy", but really nothing in comparison with real electrician work. I have learned a bunch more about electrical just since last night due to this thread which is...
  3. Dradden

    Growroom Electrical Guide

    I agree, added that to the post as well. Unfortunately many people will not take that advice as they don't want to pay an electricians rate, I do hope that post might help them if so.
  4. Dradden

    Growroom Electrical Guide

    It was, I missed that. I wrote most of that post in 2017 but was never published until recently. Fixed.
  5. Dradden

    Growroom Electrical Guide

    Far as I know the breaker is sized to protect the cable, not vice versa. Perhaps I did not word that part of it well and need to change it. The breaker is designed to hold 100% of its rating indefinitely, of course it needs to be able to withstand and dissipate the additional heat. I am sure...
  6. Dradden

    Growroom Electrical Guide

    It is not supposed to be an in depth technical guide, it is designed to help new growers that know very little and so has been kept as simple as possible. What would make it more "useful"?
  7. Dradden

    Growroom Electrical Guide

    I wrote this for budsnbeavers which is a brand new Canada focused Cannabis forum. Wanted to share here as well, maybe a few people will find it useful, or some of you OG will have ideas how to make it better. Covers identifying circuits and their rating, some example grow setups for 15 & 20amp...
  8. Dradden

    Awesome Slug And Snail Repellent!

    Yep I have used this before and it works well. Problems I had with it were, it didn't get 100% of them, if you get a rainstorm it needs a refresh, did not work for snails, hot weather needs a refresh every 4-5 days or so. Another one if you have plants in bear country is bears love the smell of...
  9. Dradden

    Awesome Slug And Snail Repellent!

    Moved up North Canada two years ago on the coast and been having all types of issues with slugs and snails, vicious little buggers. Have tried all types of different things but they all seem to have their problems. Like works good but needs maintenance, reapply every week etc. Chatted with an...
  10. Dradden

    Fusion Tents Decent?

    5 x 5 looks like a smarter choice. Thanks for the links on the LEDs the first one looks like a winner. I prefer to go with quality rather than cheap. I am liking what I see with the Gorilla tents, look really well built. So that is the LEDs I guess what's left is light timer and possibly a fan...
  11. Dradden

    Fusion Tents Decent?

    Been a longtime since I posted here and things sure have changed a lot! I have a garage I am looking to setup a grow tent in, space isn't an issue and since I am in Canada I want to maximize what i can get out of the 4 plant scenario. I was looking at this...
  12. Dradden

    Heating my home with grow room exhaust?

    Also if you exhaust back into the house rather than inside you don't create negative pressure inside the house. This makes a big difference especially in the winter. Your taking huge amounts of warm air that you already paid to heat and blowing it outside. In order to maintain pressure air is...
  13. Dradden

    3x1000 Vert Setup Phase Advice Please

    Been checkin out some bare bulb stadium grows as well they look pretty good. Not sure I like the idea of bare bulbs though. If one fails and pops a fire is almost a guarantee. The flags from BC Hydro I found out about from a friend that worked for them.
  14. Dradden

    3x1000 Vert Setup Phase Advice Please

    Yeah I was thinking running my own lines with Romex. Depends on what i find for a house but no matter will need to run at least a few. Thanks for the idea on running to the sub and including the relays..that would be slick. The area for the vert I'm still trying to get my head used to...
  15. Dradden

    3x1000 Vert Setup Phase Advice Please

    Well I have been "flat growing" for a few years with 2x600W but with a move coming up I really want to step it up a level. Reason being the house we decide to rent will be rented with this size and style of grow in mind. The Plan 3x1000W Vert (Probably Octagon Style) flip flop For now no...