Recent content by DreamTime

  1. DreamTime

    Isn't Homosexuality Abnormal?

    Trying to have a serious discussion in these threads is like finding a great group of people in the quad to debate with only to end up getting pelted with water balloons.
  2. DreamTime

    Do Not Talk to the Police

    There are limits to LEO’s ability to detain you even in public. If they can’t come up with some crime or probable cause they will eventually have to let you go. They can’t just walk up to someone and detain them just for the fuck of it… at least not legally. In the US, the cops can't come into...
  3. DreamTime

    Using electronic/computer posts as evidence?

    In Private browsing in Internet Explorer is more about not leaving any evidence on your local computer, not so much about being anonymous on the net. It's pretty good at making it so your wife or SO won't find any evidence of the pr0n sites you visit, but it won't protect you from LE figuring...
  4. DreamTime

    Do Not Talk to the Police

    It is unfortunate that for all the studying you claim to have done, you appear to be incapable of, or uninterested in presenting your arguments in a rational format that a critical thinker would take seriously.
  5. DreamTime

    Do Not Talk to the Police

    So basically, you are not only refusing to provide any evidence, you are telling us to do your job and find your evidence for you. So we're pussies and slaves because we refuse to accept your unproven claims? You berate us for not challenging a false authority, yet you set your self up as...
  6. DreamTime

    Do Not Talk to the Police

    +Rep - great suggestion.
  7. DreamTime

    Do Not Talk to the Police

    Fair enough, I'm willing to concede that I am not understanding your point. I tried to carefully read your previous posts, and what I basically distilled it down to was that you assert that the cops do not have any legal authority over us and that we should never concede that they do. In...
  8. DreamTime

    Do Not Talk to the Police

    Heya mindphuk! :)
  9. DreamTime

    Do Not Talk to the Police

    @ cannofbliss It sounds like you are making an argument for the sovereign citizen movement, and encouraging people to stand up to LEO and get arrested on principal. I understand your argument, but the cops aren’t going to care about your theories on individual rights. You can get in the cops...
  10. DreamTime

    whats this build up in my vapior globe

    It's reclaim. ISO will get rid of it, or you can collect it and use it for edibles or for dabbing in an emergency
  11. DreamTime

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    You need to tell AirGas to fit your n-butane tank with an eductor tube. That is how you get the butane to come out as a liquid
  12. DreamTime


    How were you able to determine that all agnostics don't believe?
  13. DreamTime

    Is the Mormon religion inherently racist?

    I doubt that the Mormon's appreciate being represented the way South Park did, but I'd say it's actually pretty accurate. Here's a little info on the Seer stones and how the book of Mormon was translated:
  14. DreamTime

    Analytical thinking erodes belief in God

    Agreed. but would also suggest another reason: Religion needs science, but science does not need religion. True believers may thumb their nose at evolution, the big bang and anything else that doesn't fit their beliefs, but when they need a satellite to broadcast their message of salvation to...
  15. DreamTime

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    Strictly speaking, you don't need a 2 stage pump, but you'll get a better vacuum with a 2 stage. For what we are doing, the CFM isn't really important. A 3 CFM pump is all most people ever need. I personally use a 2 stage 1.5CFM pump and I'm very happy with it. DO NOT use a mason jar. They are...