Recent content by dropshot

  1. dropshot

    What's the Best Currently Available Strip for a Self build?

    Yea, but if they want to DIY, I'd assume wiring isn't a big deal. I guess my point is that it's better to be flexible with what you source so that you can get the best build for the $$.
  2. dropshot

    What is ur Breeder Hall of Fame and shame?!

    I must have missed that part of the website. Thanks for the clarification
  3. dropshot

    What is ur Breeder Hall of Fame and shame?!

    Not trying to stir the pot here, but I was searching "Star pupil" and this post came up. I have never heard someone claim MMS lies about their products, so I'm curious what you are referring to. To be clear, no connection to MMS other than living in the same state. PM is fine if you prefer
  4. dropshot

    What's the Best Currently Available Strip for a Self build?

    Why not use 2x 2 foot strips?
  5. dropshot

    Hlg qb datasheets

    Got a link to component level diablo boards? I have never seen them for sale on the hlg website.
  6. dropshot

    Extra frame tubing for grow tent?

    Standard Conduit and maker pipe. There are similar fittings on Amazon, but for everything I tested the conduit sizing was off. Maker pipe was dead on.
  7. dropshot

    How to cleanly connect lots of strips to the driver?

    The answer depends entirely on how you are wiring them. I'm assuming that you are talking parallel wiring, and in that case I tuck the wires into the 80/20 aluminum frame on their path to each strip. You can get plastic inserts for most standard extruded aluminum bars that will keep the wires...
  8. dropshot

    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    I expect GLS will come out with a new p/n similar light to the 640 and 1800. I have the 640 and will not hesitate to order once the new model is in stock
  9. dropshot

    Herme but man…

    Exactly what I was gonna say... I'm no breeder, but I'm pretty sure a base requirement for breeding is stability. Enjoy the smoke, but don't bother with the seeds.
  10. dropshot

    Herme but man…

    Your intention is to grow the seeds from the hermed plant?
  11. dropshot

    Using TWO carbon filters?

    Thanks!! I had looked in the past but never found anything.
  12. dropshot

    Using TWO carbon filters?

    Link to inline carbon filter?
  13. dropshot

    Double carbon extraction

    It's my notill bed tent, so I wanted to maintain as much vertical clearance as possible. It allows my light to go all the way to the ceiling while still containing the initial carbon filtration inside the tent. I'm running passive intake thru 6"diameter HEPA filters.